this game is still pretty good but it fells like a downgrade from the first one to me in pretty much every aspect form area movement, visual, puzzles and story, and characters, tho some of the characters real pull their weight

the triggers made me happy in this havoc big time and i was shot with funny buloet. this game is KINDA cool and KINDA unique

i beat this game by playing with 6 controllers because my friends are evil sabotaging demons, you know who you are. like really? the same jump every time o my god and another thing you think i dont see ehat youre doing? that i dont know youre trying to drive me to do the unthinkable? i know what youre doing and i wont accept it, the best you can hope for is to crumble away into nothing and vanish from my life, rot forever in the faraway planes of hell and never let me gaze upon you again you fuck. SMEL YOUU LATER

game made me realize im not funny

boring, lame, solution was easy and dumb, barely a game

the jump scares gave me a headache because i am 87 years old i also went to the hospital because it made me have a heart attack blood clot aneurism

worst areas in a dark souls game

i loved this game so much as a kid that i would put anything that remotely looked like a mask in front of my face and screamed in pain like link does every time you transform in this game, shrill and loud as i possibly could, my parents had no idea what i was doing cause i would even hold things like napkins and a grocery bad in front of my face or over my head and shriek like i was being skinned alive.

I cought a fish that looks like my ex wife.

My future ex wife that is, gahahahahah

miku IS balding, its REAL she is going through hair loss and wil be bald at 30

this time the title lied cause there is only 2 of them, but they added a third in the dlc and hes like a bird man??? weird lmtoa. best movement in the series, the initial playthrough is just challenging and fun enough on the first run through and getting combos is siiiiiick.

true mid, this game is SLOW, some people really like the melee and say it reminds them of megaman zero, but i dont really see it, the game clearly understood its lack of maneuverability and lays out on enemy at a time in boring straight line stages where youll walk up, press the attack button three time and the enemy will be staggered and die, no way to attack above, or beneath you so jumping around enemies is no fun and a weaker option then just walking up to them. only having one air dash before having to touch the ground feels miserable and slow and also means you can defeat multiple enemies while airborn or rack up combo score in any way which is what the series is known for, in my opinion this is by far the weakest of this style of gunvolt games, only the mighty gunvolt games are worse.