the disc i got for this game has a weird smell??? 0_o

one of the most based experiences of the modern era, releasing only 3 years after Mario odyssey, this high impact fast paced take on mario brings the jumping man to funny new heights

one time in middle school i walked home with a friend from school, my mother was supposed to pick me up so she was worried and looking for me and worried, but i went looking around, it was winter and i dared my friend to lick a stop sign pole because he didnt think his tongue would stick and that it only happens in movies, when his tongue got stuck i got scared id get in trouble so i ran home, i never saw him again after that, but sometimes i get emails or texts from someone saying that i left them behind, and i hear his voice in my dreams, so i know hes out there

bummm, ba bum bum bum, bum bum... bada bum (ding dong), bring ding ding ding ding ding ding ding, bra da da bra da da DAH

ooh look at me i love fucking climbing on walls i sure hope it doesnt rain haha wow look after an hour of climbing i have gotten yet another korok, im so glad i went to every area to get breakable weapons for nothing because the next area has more weapons that way better, such a good well thought out game

i truly have to say that, Dieses Spiel ist eines der schlimmsten Dinge, die ich je in meinem Leben gespielt habe, and that もう二度と「ソウル」ゲームはやらない so i have to give it a 5/5 (10/10 for normal people)

Not as good as yiik, dont know why id want to be a little bug thing but its alright

Yiik gets a bad rep, the great unique artstyle and fun interactive combat system is one of the better rpg elements of the modern era, to say yiik offers nothng is a slight to the gaming world as a whole. im "yiiking out" over the hate this game gets as they say, i really want to point out that most modenr games are trying to be either darksouls or call of duty and yiik takes its own direction that SIKE IDIOT THIS GAME IS BALLS AND POOP but in all honestly its a 5/5 but ill take my own opinion and lowered to about a 3.5 to accommodate the trolls