While it has some performance, gameplay and pacing issues that don't age gracefully compared to other entries, it makes up for it with an emotionally moving story that's carried by some of the best written characters in the franchise up to that point.

Improves on Remake's faults while pushing its strengths to be even better, and the scope and scale are never overwhelming or boring. Plus, it has one of the strongest finales I've experienced in a game.

GOTY 2024 locked...for now.

While the Junction system can be a large barrier of entry for newcomers and the story can be a little obtuse compared to 7's, if given a chance and time is taken to learn it's gameplay, you are rewarded with a really special entry into the series.

Better than the first game, but I think this series as a whole aged poorly graphically and gameplay-wise. Voice acting is still hilariously bad and some of the music is still catchy. I couldn't imagine finishing it without PS5's rewind feature.

A short but sweet fun return to brawler form to tide over until Infinite Wealth and shows what Kiryu got up to after Yakuza 6. Story is a little dumb but it still hits the emotional beats that make it worth it, and the coliseum content is extremely fun.

It's okay. What would seem like a fun 2.5D co-op Sonic feels a single player experience with multiplayer added in later, and both the soundtrack and bosses range from good to absolutely awful.

Just when I thought Persona 5 Tactica couldn't get more challenging and fun, in comes the paint mechanic this DLC introduces! Seeing Akechi and Kasumi again was a short but sweet treat, and so is being able to use them in New Game Plus!

Probably the best Persona spinoff I've played yet.

Not only did I really dig the blend of tactical strategy RPG with Persona 5's 1 More and All-Out Attack mechanics, but I actually found the new spinoff characters and their story very engaging and fun!

Visually striking, hilarious writing backed by a knockout cast and builds upon it's predecessor's gameplay, but I think it could've been paced a bit better. I also have some nitpicks about some writing choices but I overall enjoyed it very much!

Between Resident Evil 4 and now this, 2023 is the year of the immaculate remake of seemingly perfect games that I didn't originally think needed them.

The QOL changes while maintaining the original's overall identity make this game SHINE!

I only recommend this if you really loved the main game and the characters, or if you haven't bought the main game yet and get the DLC bundled with it.

It's a cute epilogue with a much better finale, but it could be shorter and cheaper.

Before Sonic '06, there was Enter the Dragonfly.

Both games should serve as a grim reminder to game publishers to never, EVER try and rush development of an undercooked game to hit shelves by the holiday season.

A pretty solid epilogue DLC! I wasn't sure how I'd feel about exploring locations from the main game again, but they somehow made House Beneviento SCARIER than before, and Rose's powers make for a nice change of pace.

I thought I had my GOTY for 2023 locked several different times this year, but now I'm certain this is it.

Perfect in every way: story, gameplay, etc. Not only the best Spider-Man game, it's Insomniac's best game period.

My only complaint, and this won't dock it any points: it should've been delayed a few weeks or so to fine tune some of those weird bugs/glitches (and not be released the same day/week as so many other major releases!). But they're incidental and not game-breaking, so nothing a quick reset can't fix.

Now one of my favorite entries in the series. Great locale variety, genuine scares, it's almost a spiritual successor to RE4 in the best ways. My only real nitpick is the level design for the village kind of sucks and the map for it is almost unreliable.