no i'm sorry this was not good, only reason I finished it was that I'm an achievement hunter and perfectionist.
the controls suck, the maps were hard to navigate and the story just isn't very great neither is the visuals. I may buy the 2nd game praying it's improved.

2.5 for 1 star

Genuinely a good remake, not much to say here in all honesty it improves upon the original and it's a fun game.

7.0 for 3.5 stars

Decent game, hard for a lego game to be exceptionally good as a young adult but I do love them all. The lego movie suffers from 2 things, lack of needed characters and a poor free roam.
still not a bad one and some quick fun.

6.0 for 3 stars

Awesome. Funny how a little animated game can actually give you some decent scares, I think the world-building in this game is actually really good and even the characters are so interesting yet they don't speak at all.
Collectibles are fun and the game is short but sweet.

8/10 for 4 stars

FIGHT ME. This game goes so hard. The game looks visually great and the puzzles are challenging. The soundtrack is superb and all the achievements are a blast. One of my favorite metroidvanias.
Short but sweet.

9/10 for 4.5 stars

yeah no just gang beasts but worse, this game isn't 0 fun or anything but there are 50 games that do it better. not much variety or replay value.

4.0 for 2 stars


eh, just eh. nice little puzzle game that didn't have much going for it and well the achievements just suck. very little play time but still not a bad time I just don't think this game offers very much.

4.5 for 2 stars

I just cannot give this a positive review with the little amount of playtime, yes it makes for a good time but even getting all the achievements it took me under 3 hours to complete. If the game is on sale and you're looking for some quick easy fun definitely give it a go.

5.0 for 2.5 stars

I love stealth games and hitman is an amazing one, it takes your usual stealth game aspects and excels with them. finding different ways to take out your target and getting creative with it, unlimited ways of approaching a level really make a good time. if you're looking for a stealth game with total freedom i'd highly recommend this one.

8.5 for 4 stars

Now this is very close to a 4.5 star rating let me explain, the story is phenomenal. The combat is easily accessible and the characters are great. Now here are my issues with this game. The incredibly slow climbing up cracks in the wall and crawling under things really slow the game down. Yes I know the whole game is in one cut but i'd rather just have a loading screen instead of the climbing as it is literally the most boring thing ever and the collectibles just are not fun at all.

8.5 for 4 stars

What a surprise, I had heard some mixed reviews about this thing but then I remembered Bordelands fans love to complain about anything that isn't bl2. Yet again the story is pretty average but the gameplay is insanely good, the builds , the weapons and the collectibles.... man they are so good. Tiny tinas is one of those games that makes the collectibles enjoyable by actually rewarding you in game. Did a good job at staying true to the franchise and also having it's own attributes that made it unique.

8.0 for 4 stars

Great looter shooter with the best storyline in the franchise for sure, a lot of navigation could be improved on sure but this game definitely makes for a fun time alone or with your friends. Having to replay the story 3 times with the leveling getting dragged out even more really drags this game down for me. I just can't find myself wanting to replay the game when it's so slow once you reach level 50.

8/10 for 4 stars

Best in the franchise for me, gunplay is great and the mechanics have been improved on a crazy amount. The maps are great (not the best in the franchise) and the navigation is so so much better than the other games. The bosses may not be hard but they are so fun to fight and the legendaries are so dope aswell. Haven't had such a fun time with a game in a long long time. Story is slightly above average but I've never played bordelands for the story.

9.5 for 4.5 stars

It's very hard for a fighter game to be exceptionally good in all aspects, now this game isn't without its flaws but man it's addicting. collecting all the gear and customizing your characters will get you going for hours and hours. The fatalities are brilliant and the story isn't anything crazy but still calls for a good time.

8.0 for 4 stars

A perfect game, never would I have ever thought this game would be a 10 / 10 before playing it. It's a visual spectacle. The story is sweet and chill the mechanics are awesome and the map is beautiful.
None of the achievements are too hard either which makes for a really relaxing time and 100% completion is a blast, it's very rare for me to give 10/10 considering I need to enjoy every aspect of the game including achievements which I did.

10/10 for 5 stars