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23 hrs ago

Mymy64 reviewed Another Crab's Treasure
So far the game's pretty good and the dialogue is pretty funny. However it has a lot of lag during loading points and a couple of frame rate drops. The game sometime even crashes.

23 hrs ago

23 hrs ago

23 hrs ago

Mymy64 reviewed Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Arcade: Wrath of the Mutants
It's basically the arcade game with the usual difficulty spike.

5 days ago

Mymy64 reviewed Rose & Camellia Collection
Really like this Punch-out style along with its humor. The motion controls can be hard to use when dodging though so I recommend the touch screen.

10 days ago

10 days ago

10 days ago

Mymy64 published a list Mario Universe

53 Games

13 days ago

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