June, 2024


31h 0m

I wanted to play Bloodstained because I remembered that it was a cool and unique metroidvania by an indie team, then I remembered that it would require me to play Bloodstained, and I lost the will to continue.

7h 0m

Blacksmith invited me to a gameplay session, so we started some new characters and played for a little bit before he said he wanted to go on a walk for a while, so we stopped once we reached the starter town.


19h 10m

Alright... My current working theory is that Hikako is actually the one who died, and Sachiko has become entirely delusional in order to deal with the grief. She believes herself to be Hikako, and thinks that Sachiko has been dead or missing, when in reality she is misremembering her life by overlaying the memories of her girlfriend over her own life. This would explain why, regardless of Hikako's status as someone who has been observed to be in a psych ward, a funeral for somebody still took place, which Sachiko supposedly attended. This would also explain why the doctor has a room set up for Sachiko specifically. Sachiko (from the player's perspective) has a room in the hospital, and a life outside of the ward simultaneously, however Takako has only been seen inside the ward as of yet.

1500h 0m

Finally got back to patch stuff. I managed to finish the Lapis dungeon and the following trial. I don't know how close I am to being current, but I hope it's at least relatively close.



7h 30m

Tier 3 resource missions cleared! I want to continue the story soon.

May, 2024


3h 0m

Whyyyyy does it suck so bad?! What made them think this was a product worth being called complete?!


0h 32m

I got to participate in the closed Playtest! It was fun. I had a few suggestions, which I marked down in my feedback form, so I hope they help, even a little bit.


9h 29m

Cleared normal mode a few more times and attempted hard about 4. Not so easy. Not at all, really. But it was still fun. 2 more classes to unlock.





3h 0m


I restarted the game because I want to see the story that people are saying is so worthwhile. I got new rolls with my new account, so I got new characters. I'm not really fond of them yet, none of them seem very interesting to me, but I hope that changes as time goes on. Mika the 2-star is cute. I like her. Story is still mid so far.



4h 42m



Powerful, powerful atmosphere. I have no idea how the creators nail that 'weird' feeling so well. Just as the aesthetic that inspired this game claims to do, I felt strongly nostalgic in many of these weird, creepy rooms. Fascinating game. Also pretty unnerving.

I played this again in the morning and finished it. Good game! I got all the achievements. It does a lot of really fun and cool things, and I really love the environments.

Started / Finished


2h 0m

Played Zombies for about 90 minutes with Mayo and Arya. BLOPS3 fucking sucks on PC. Such a pain in the ass to get working.

April, 2024


88h 9m

Got the Zero Divide on my main. Good necklace. No idea why they made it so easily obtainable.


68h 14m

I got to the Somnodrome on my second playthrough. Now the only thing left to do is finish the last level. I just don't feel like I have it in me today, though. So, some other time. Then begins run 3 for the 100%. No idea when that'll happen.

1784h 26m

My friend requested that our old hunting party got back together for today so we could test out his new controller. We did some general hunting and had some really good fun. Though he only ended up actually testing his new controller for about 30 minutes before switching back to his preferred KBM.


7h 5m

Did not realize it was this over already. Barely 4000 players online, and I cannot find a match after 20 minutes. That's pretty intense.

19h 31m

Time is an illusion. Pain is eternal. I am the digger of holes and the loser of ways. I am the one who builds a platform yet creates no home to rest upon it. I am the man who does all of this and then says 'no more' after a completely arbitrary amount of time, and leaves to squander time elsewhere.


66h 49m

You'll never guess. It's more grinding. Started doing Legendary story difficulty along with a few more FATEs. Also collecting crabs and getting some achievements along the way.

March, 2024


302h 0m

Felt kind of down today, since it was my day off, and literally every plan that I had fell through. It felt kind of like a wasted day. So I booted up my comfort game to help improve my mood.


14h 37m

Chapter 3 reached


Playing with players who are younger than me is a constant battle between turning into a grouchy old man character and becoming a 100% silent introvert.

February, 2024


5h 55m

My friends invited me to play with them, and I realized that I have not yet established muscle memory for myself lol. It was really hard. Especially since they threw me into a new difficulty. We only played one match, but it was a fine match.


1805h 0m

I made a new best friend, his name is Mothrin and I taught him how to killbind. It took about 90 minutes to derust but when I did I started doing pretty well. 2nd from top scoring (when I wasn't just meme'ing around with Patch)