very cool game in a lot of ways for when it came out. has a lot of great ideas and expanded on the original really well. it's pretty dated today though and a lot of the design decisions were pretty stupid. best enjoyed in today's day and age with a guide

amazing conclusion to the original ace attorney trilogy. the way it ties things together... man. also i just got done crying

an excellent fan remaster of an already excellent 2D platformer. highly recommend

good original game, but very poor port. the lack of polish, especially in the audio department, is super distracting. also be careful of visual glitches. hopefully patches can make this a better experience, but as of now, very disappointing.

Great game once again. Solid control, memorable moments, INCREDIBLE atmosphere, and genuinely really good storytelling. The writing is superb, much better than you usually expect from Nintendo; not only that, the way it builds the X as a threat to the universe is really well-done. I'm personally not as much of a fan of the linear structure, but that didn't matter too much in light of everything else this game does right. Excellent stuff.

really excellent game, man; plays great, feels great, looks great, sounds great. the story actually had me motivated to keep playing too; the way a lot of the characters developed was really fun and heartwarming to see. you can tell all-around how much love and effort went into this game and it's wonderful

good-ass kart racer. deserves more recognition

although i haven't owned a warioware game before this, i can see the classic charm of the franchise coming through here, and the game never forgets what it is. it's a great time and definitely one i'll be coming back to. as of this log i just finished the story and have only just started touching the other modes, so this rating might increase as time goes on. either way, having a great time with it!

man, what a delightful little game that's just filled with charm at every corner, and such a perfect showcase of the PS5's capabilities. i loved every second of it. if you want a game that will just put a big ol' smile on your face, this is it, and it comes with your PS5!

i will always love toby's work to death, and for the vast majority of it this was more of what i love so much about it. i kinda wished there was a bit more seriousness in the middle of it, but you can't deny the charm of what's there, and it was still a delight to play. he's definitely starting to incorporate much more cool gameplay ideas into his stuff as well. bless you toby fox sir and i can't wait for chapter 3

A pretty serviceable handheld version of an HD console game that you'd expect at the time it came out. There are some neat ideas; level design and bosses are hit or miss, though I was surprised by how fun it was to play as modern Sonic even restricted to 2D. It honestly feels a bit too short (even moreso than the console version), but I don't think there was much to expect in that department. It was nice to play for the novelty of it, but it's not a game that I think there's too much reason to go back to today.

Can't believe I had never truly finished this game before (beaten on Sonic Origins, not having to worry about lives sure was a big help lol)

really solid entry for kirby into 3D. full of wonder and just really well put-together all around. this is a very complete package with tons to do and come back to as well. really enjoyed it

This log is for the story mode.

Goddamn bro. What a way to end the trilogy.