24 reviews liked by Nacky

The thing about playing this after other Fallouts is that you easily notice certain flaws; the map having little places to explore, skills like hacking and repair relying on rolls meaning you don't have to level them up and can just re-attempt infinitely, etc. But what you get in exchange is genuinely one of the hardest atmospheres I've seen in any game period, it is such an extreme feeling of desolation and loneliness even for Fallout standards, combined with the story and timer giving you anxiety just for existing. It's an imperfect but really unique experience and I'm glad I finally played it.

Uma boa primeira tentativa da Team Ninja em replicar a fórmula de mundo aberto com atividades repetitivas já muito saturada. Apesar de ser segurada por muitos problemas técnicos e história decepcionante, ainda se sobressai principalmente no combate.

Nossa, de verdade que jogo maravilhoso! Eu realmente não esperava a emoção que esse jogo trás e a diversão que ele proporciona. Fui de cabeça nesse jogo sem nem pensar muito, pois tinha ouvido falar muito bem dele, mesmo sendo o primeiro jogo de ritmo que eu jogo. Por isso acabei estranhando um pouco no começo, mas com o tempo esse jogo me prendeu de uma forma inexplicável. A gameplay é muito bem pensada e gostosa, os gráficos são lindos demais, o estilo do jogo me cativou muito, as músicas, os ritmos, absolutamente tudo nesse jogo é incrível! De verdade, eu super recomendo!

Esse jogo é simplesmente incrível e muito divertido, tanto pra jogar com a família e os amigos quanto sozinho. Adorei as fases, os personagens, os gráficos, tudo. Teve ótimas DLCS que finalizei todas com orgulho e me divertindo muito. Conclui todos os modos e as fases do jogo e basicamente ''zerei''. Jogo divertido demais, essencial para quem possui um Switch. Super recomendo!

Controles meio estranhos no início, mas depois de um tempo você se acostuma. Vale a pena você dar uma chance para jogar essa pérola

This is an attempt by Ninja Kiwi to create a "Bloons: Version Bullet Hell". Is a good game, but it didn't meet my expectations. The hitbox for darts is inaccurate, and I don't appreciate the requirement to reach a minimum number of points in the level, if you fail, you lose and have to restart your progress, which is discouraging.

It's an entertaining management game that allows players to explore the island's various habitats, encounter diverse creatures, and find different foodstuffs. It kept me thoroughly entertained throughout, although after reaching the end of the storyline without any significant additions, I found myself already content with the overall experience

Resident Evil 6 is one of the games ever made, and the word that sums it up is just one: Ambitious.

Attempting to weave together four campaigns with interconnected stories from multiple character perspectives initially appears intriguing. However, the execution results in a lackluster and tedious narrative towards the end.

The gameplay ambitiously attempts various features but ultimately disappoints, notably due to the subpar camera implementation, which stands out as the game's weakest aspect. The redeeming factor lies in the coop gameplay option, available in Campaigns and Mercenaries mode, adding some moments of enjoyment.

It's regrettable that the game aimed for greatness but ultimately missed the mark, resulting simply in a "bad" game.

Ruim que dói, e olha que amei e joguei o 5 infinito

At least RE7-8 got the franchise back on track, because after how solid 4-5 were, this was a tremendous letdown. Tried to bite off more than it could chew & attempted to play like both Dead Space & Gears of War without being as competent as either of them. I could only put up with the stiff, subpar controls & uninteresting dialogue for a few hours before just calling it. Wound up being one of my few full-price purchase regrets.