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6 hrs ago

FallenGrace commented on bougainvillea's list Games That Hate the British as Much as Me
Why do you hate me?

8 hrs ago

8 hrs ago

Kago finished Assassin's Creed III: The Tyranny of King Washington
Found this one way more interesting and engaging than the main game.

It's got a stronger alt-history premise and introduces new mechanics that actually switch up gameplay. The player is given gameplay options that are actually dramatic, unlike the main game where you miss out on nothing when ignoring like 90% of your tools. Additionally the pacing is vastly improved and doesn't slog nearly as much, all characters feel a bit more focused and mostly everyone has more meaningful things to do.

Unfortunately, just like the main game Conor has no chance to show a shred of personality and generally continues just being this dumb good guy character with middle-school level philosophy, just as we see in the main missions of the main game. It is boggling how they created such a layered character only to dumb him down in every main piece of content.

I find it puzzling this dlc is looked back on so negatively when it offers some legitimately interesting switch ups from the absolute monotony of the main game. It's solid!

If you wanna see my rankings as I go through the series, click here.

10 hrs ago

FallenGrace commented on LordDarias's review of 1000xResist
Might have to accelerate this one on my time table. I'm hearing nothing but amazing things about it...

12 hrs ago

12 hrs ago

RinoDino is now playing Cursed Halo Again

13 hrs ago

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