Gets repetitive and feels more like a demo of what was to come for future AC releases, but still worth playing the first entry in the series.

Pretty run of the mill FPS for the time period. Story feels immaterial, voice acting is meh, and enemies get predictable after a while. Probably the best part about this game was the gunplay, even if there are 6 weapons in total and only 1 is worth using.

My most-played MP out of any COD, still holds up today.

Campaign is such a step down from previous CODs, MP was fine but not too memorable

A cross between Gears of War, Resident Evil. Pretty fun to play through as the Glaive was unique, but the story was nothing to write home about and the environments look dull.

Runs on 60fps which I appreciate, but the graphics are of its time. Good upgrade system and progression which can make you log a lot of hours into the game.

Franchise mode is done really well. Superstar mode is great and feels like it paved the way for other sports franchises to introduce their own versions. Soundtrack is dated but I always appreciated the mix of genres that was prevalent in sports games at the time.

Only Madden game I played during 7th gen, felt like it was a huge step down from the mid 2000s titles in the series.

The user-generated content was the best part about this game, racing was solid too

Jordan Challenge mode was cool but could have been executed a bit better as I was constantly thinking about stat-padding. Otherwise great MyCareer and Association modes

Introduced a lot of features that would become standard for the series moving forward (trade finder, MyTeam, badges). Soundtrack is great. Game was definitely on the unbalanced side as the most random players would be OP (Gerald Green, Marcus Thornton).

In-game presentation was great, soundtrack was solid, and loved the International teams that weren't present in 2K games at the time. But the gameplay itself was just lacking.

Pretty satisfying game to play. Missions can get repetitive and the soundtrack is a bit hit or miss, but still fun overall.