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I went into Mahoyo with pretty tempered expectations and I found it met those expectations well enough. It shares the same immaculate presentation style as the Tsukihime remake with beautiful art, dynamic sprite placement and a very pleasant soundtrack that all come together to convey that soulful homey atmosphere found in Nasu's other classic works. I particularly want to praise that one Shizuki sprite where he's just kind of looking forward like a dope. It's a work of art.

I initially went in expecting Aoko and Alice to be the stars of the show while Shizuki would be the obligatory self-insert guy who needed everything explained to him. My expectations were unexpectedly completely flipped around as I realized Shizuki was not only far and away the best character in the story, but one of my favorite VN main characters in general. His lack of experience with modern civilization is presented in a refreshingly realistic way that feels endearing and gives him an interesting view of the world where it could've easily been played up for gags instead.

Unfortunately, I couldn't really say the same for Aoko and Alice. Aoko spends far too much time flaunting her hostile attitude which feels completely unwarranted when directed at the down-to-earth Shizuki compared to other MCs with more exaggerated personalities that end up having to deal with the tsundere menace. I didn't really have an issue with Alice but I never found myself particularly liking her beyond the extent of "Well at least you're not choking Shizuki for no good reason". That's not to say the two didn't have their moments, but generally I felt the conversations between Shizuki and the girls lacked energy and typically centered around uninteresting topics. I enjoyed the scenes where Shizuki hung out with his bros quite a bit more, especially the talk between him and Tobimaru regarding the old lady that wanted him to be her grandson which ended up being one of my favorite scenes despite basically being a footnote to a generally uninteresting side story. The side characters felt underutilized but I guess it makes sense considering there was/are some sequels planned.

I was surprised to find the story was mostly slice-of-life with a handful of action chapters, which might have ended up being a notable issue for me considering my aforementioned feelings on the girls, but the short length kept it from severely harming my overall impression. I felt the action scenes were largely carried by the high quality presentation with the house of mirrors and amusement park fights lacking the creative abilities and twists that form the highlights of Nasu's other works. They were enjoyable to read, but just didn't end up feeling very memorable to me. The Alice fight for example is pretty much just an hour of Aoko running around shooting beams and ends with her shooting a really big beam. The killer egg seemed to offer a unique nuance to the situation but it was more or less ignored until Shizuki hopped on it near the end. I did greatly enjoy the final showdown with Touko however, and the ending in general left a very positive impression on me since they managed to do quite a lot with Shizuki's character and the way he contrasted with Aoko despite the short length.

Shizuki blowing up a werewolf heart out of absolutely nowhere did add at least half a star to this review.

Pretty fun and short little game. Locking on can be kind of unreliable sometimes but it has BB hood and megaman and that's cool.

Not awful, not great, it's certainly a fighting game and it has skullomania.

Pure kusoge. Playing this while an emulation problem muted all the voices was a truly surreal experience.

Surprisingly solid DMC-like action game with a fun sense of humor. While comboing and boss fights are a blast, enemy variety is lacking and I found Amelia's story to be a sharp downgrade from Asaru's despite her being very cute.

Fun time, bring back the neo geo girl.

It's kinda cute and some of the songs are nice. It's very annoying when they just give you a line of like 7 inputs mushed together though.

While I'm very happy to finally have a solid Vanguard game in english, it's disappointing that the 70 dollar price point killed any chance of an active playerbase and possibly future vanguard games in the west. I understand that Vanguard isn't really popular enough to survive on the free to play model like Yugioh but it'll be compared to Master Duel regardless which makes people a lot less likely to buy it. As for the game itself, it plays very well with snappy animations and the right amount of visual flare. The story is nice and simple and I like a lot of the decks on offer, but most of my attachment is to the original Vanguard series and the decks from that era so I was admittedly pretty disappointed about this game being based on overdress.

Cute, simple and relaxing deckbuilder. Translation is really bad but it's still understandable enough that it comes off as charming. I love how overpowered just constantly walking is.

I'm pretty sick of the "idol/streamer who acts cute in public but is secretly jaded" trope but this game still provided an entertaining and pretty unique experience. The aesthetic and soundtrack are very nice and the number of endings makes your choices feel important even if the actual content outside the endings isn't changing much. It is pretty annoying how you really don't get to interact with Ame that much beyond just deciding her activities and sending pointless emotes which feels like a big missed opportunity in a game where you're supposed to really care about her.

Decent little 3D platformer with a cute artstyle and solid controls. The level design and platforming aren't as polished as something like A Hat in Time but it's still a fun time and being able to turn into a wheel for faster segments is a blast.

Simple but very addictive and enjoyable game with a very cute hololive coat of paint. It's surprisingly difficult and it took quite a few tries for me to beat the 2nd stage. Only notable downside is no luna or polka.

An awful fighting game with an ugly 2.5D artstyle and a complete mess of a roster. There might have been some charm to be found in the ridiculous crossovers if I didn't know it was just the publisher making another attempt to catch a quick dollar by throwing together all the properties they happen to own.

Picross makes the brain feel good. The story seemed pretty lame so I just skipped it to get to picross but the streamer girl seemed cute from the 3 seconds of her dialogue I read.

Cute and fun bullet hell made by some mad lad that finished his favorite touhou game and said "That was fun and all, but I really wish it had huge bazonkers" which I can only respect with all of my heart. But really the artstyle is very cute and the soundtrack is surprisingly good. Even a complete failure at bullet hells like me had a good time thanks to the generous shield system.