My original review of the first game, Deliver us the Moon wasn't negative but I was hardly singing its praises. I ended off the review by mentioning wanting to try the sequel when it releases and saying there is potential. Well that sequel is finally here! And my expectations have been surpassed.

One of my biggest complaints about the first game was that the way it told its story was entirely holograms and text logs, which made it really difficult to get engaged even when some of the subject matter was pretty interesting. An immediately noticeable improvement in Mars is that it has actual characters and a story not told entirely by what are basically flashbacks while controlling a completely expressionless and unidentifiable character. This is by far its biggest strength. The writing in this is just great and the voice acting for basically everyone is actually fantastic. Every character feels real and it was easy to care about everything that transpired. There's still a lot of text logs and holograms but these holograms now play an important role in uncovering the past and causing reactions and changes in the characters, instead of just being the whole story. And the story is great! It's just super well put together with interesting arcs and at times its very thought provoking, especially with the ending.

But, well as strong as the characters and story are... there is a reason I can't give it higher than a 3.5. This game was made by a small studio and its unfortunately clear that this was a very ambitious project. They made the right choice on getting great voice actors (like my queen Nicole Tompkins) but I'm just not sure the rest of their budget was enough to truly match the scope they had in mind. As great as characters are, their character models range from sometimes passable to just flat out terrible. The hair textures on some of them are The Last of Us Part I PC port level quality. Moreso, the animations for nearly everything are super janky and hard to look at. Graphically the game is good most of the time but there is a huge amount of pop in and I had to wait for textures to load in frequently. I also had a few progress halting glitches but nothing too major. But gameplay wise the light platforming is decent and the puzzles are pretty well thought out, not really any complaints there.

Deliver Us Mars proves that developers KeokeN have what it takes to make a good game, and with the right budget I have no doubt they could make a great one. While it may have a lot of shortcomings, this is a game well worth playing and I will no doubt be there for whatever game they make next.


Hey y'all, sorry it keeps being so long between my reviews! I really do mean to put more out but its very difficult especially with how often I beat them and how long they take to write. I definitely want to make more but they just might be a little shorter than I usually do like this one. When I don't write a review I find I forget the game a lot quicker, and so I want to try to find a middle ground there. Anyways! Thanks for reading everyone, your support means a lot to me. Have a good day, and I'll see you next time. (hopefully in just a couple days with a Pikmin 3 review 🤫)

Trophy Completion - 100% (Platinum #246)
Time Played - 10 hours 26 minutes
Nancymeter - 75/100
Game Completion #67 of 2023
March Completion #17

I'm not very big into Star Wars nowadays, but after having a blast with Battlefront II and seeing how hype the trailers for Survivor have been I decided it was the perfect time to replay this as I've been meaning to get to it for a while. I also made sure to play it over a month before the sequel comes out to avoid burnout and as I'm sitting here writing this while watching the credits scroll I think that was definitely a smart decision.

That is not to insult this game as I did actually even enjoy it a little more this time around, but there are some pretty big issues I have with it that hold it back for me. For one, the gameplay isn't always the most satisfying. When I first played this game I had virtually no experience with Soulslikes but now I consider them a genre I really enjoy (even if I rarely find the time to play them) and I was able to pick up on more of the similarities this time around. But really its more of a Soulslite and I don't find the implementation of many staples the genre is known for to really compliment this game in meaningful ways. The lightsaber combat is pretty good - the lack of dismemberment disappointing but understandable - but it doesn't really feel as tight or as in depth as I'd expect other games like this to be. Also quite frankly while there is a good amount of enemy types, I found virtually every single one that wasnt a stormtrooper variation to be a huge pain in the ass to fight. Thats not to say that its not fun still and pushing enemies off cliffs will never not be fun, but by the time i reached the final boss I was just pretty over the system in general and ended up dropping it to story mode just to get done with it. Skill issue? perhaps but I know if FromSoft added an easy mode update to all of their games right this moment I would still never go for it. Basically the combat is good but the challenge feels more reliant on being annoying than actually honing skill.

My only other big issue with this is that the PS5 version at the very least is quite buggy. I don't remember if it was this noticeable for my first playthrough on ps4 but there were a whole lot of little things that just kinda got in the way. Once or twice Cal just randomly died for no reason during platforming sections, sometimes in fights where you get swarmed and stunlocked the camera fucked off and made it really hard to see and there were multiple cutscenes with out of sync audio that had to be fixed by closing the game. Another thing thats not really a glitch but a bit bothersome is the huge amount of clipping. The ponchos are stylish (but severely lacking in color options like cmon) and optional but its a pretty big distraction to see Cal's hands and legs phase through them in every cutscene and I wish they put a little more care into that. And this is the game that has multiple different lightsaber holstering animations that have a lot of personality so I really doubt its from a lack of love.

Story wise I think the game is pretty solid. I like the whole cast and it has some pretty good arcs and emotional moments. But it does really suffer from feeling like the first in a series. I am very curious to see where the story goes with Survivor but the story definitely feels a little underwhelming where Fallen Order ends off. Its kinda at a point where the main goal is complete but theres no real setup for how the story will continue and it just doesnt entirely work. Cal is a likeable protagonist and I am looking forward to see what they do with his character, I especially want to see more of Merrin as well. The gameplay loop mostly has you traveling back and forth between planets and there is maybe a bit too much backtracking but there are always new areas opened up so its not like you're replaying the same exact thing again and again. I also found the puzzles to be a lot more enjoyable on this playthrough where I remember them being kinda annoying to begin with. I don't generally like puzzles but the ones in this are pretty well thought out and done so I dont have any complaints about them. Overall despite having some technical issues and some complaints about the story and combat as a standalone this is a really great single player Star Wars game that I'm glad is as successful as it is.

Seeing as its been said that this story is planned as a trilogy I am more than okay with that. I definitely am a little unsure on what the story of Survivor will end up being. My biggest hopes after completing this was for a bigger cast and more of them beyond mostly just staying back at the Mantis but It seems like Survivor is going in a different direction. There is apparently a prequel graphic novel meant to explain what happens inbetween the two games but I ain't paying 15 dollars to read it and so I really just hope they have some good ideas and that they don't give the game an ending that super suffers from middle child syndrome. Beyond that I just hope its a little more polished and honestly it's looking like a big step up in a lot of ways. I'll get back to you in May for my review on that one as well :p

Thanks for reading y'all. Still working on a couple other reviews but can't say when they'll be out. I really appreciate you if you've made it this far. See you next time <3

Nancymeter - 81/100 (oh wow a 2 point increase!!)
Time Played: 14 hours for this playthrough
Trophy Completion - 100%
Game Completion #4 of March
Game Completion #54 of 2023

So far this year I've beaten things like Rogue Warrior, Life of Black Tiger, Orc Slayer, Duke Nukem Forever, Bubsy: The Woolies Strike Back and much more of equally nonexistant quality. The Quiet Man? It's worse than all of those.

I will go so far to even say that it is my least favorite game I've ever played. I can't call it the worst game of all time as there are many games that are so broken that its impossible to even beat them. However I genuinely wish this was one of those because the 2.99 I spent on this would of had more use in the fucking blender. From story to gameplay to anything else you can think of that makes up a game The Quiet Man completely and utterly fails at.

So to start, the main concept of the game is that since the main character is deaf the vast majority of the game barring the first and last cutscene is nearly completely silent. Only via a second playthrough do you get the option of experiencing the audio, but more on that in a bit. I do think this is actually a really interesting concept but the abysmal execution makes the entire thing fall apart. Firstly there is no subtitles. This is understandable to a degree as you'd naturally assume the whole point of this "mechanic" is that you don't get to hear or understand anything the main character can't. But it doesn't actually work like that. There's maybe one or two instances in the game where anyone uses sign language. The main character very clearly is at the least able to read lips or something of the sort as in every single cutscene he is capable of having conversations and understanding everything being said to him. So why no subtitles? Why does the game open with a message explicitly emphasizing that there are no subtitles. The whole point of the game just completely falls apart because of this. What's worse is that these cutscenes are pointlessly long slog-fests. The game is thankfully only a couple of hours long but so much of it is just spent in these torturously long completely silent scenes of people just fucking talking. Not to mention extended completely silent scenes of a woman singing and playing piano. There are zero interesting visuals to accompany it either, and the framing and composition for the FMVs makes CW shows look like they were filmed by Roger Deakins in comparison. This is all to say that it is fucking boring as god damn motherfucking shit. This would be a great way to get your kids to go to sleep but honestly letting anyone play or watch this is probably highly unethical. And guess what? Knowing the dialogue and story actually makes this even worse. Im convinced that the whole no subtitles thing to make this as unnecessarily cryptic as possible is entirely to mask the fact that the actual story is fuckass. The new game plus audio thing wasnt even in the original game! It had to be patched in because people were rightfully complaining about how miserable this game is. If I'm being completely honest I did not and will not be fully playing this game again to experience the full story. From what i've heard and seen it is so terrible on a base factor (and so easily to tell so from what you're able to piece together of it in your first playthrough) and I highly doubt any new information could possibly save this game. There is some twists near the end and it takes a weird supernatural turn that's just... like I can't even begin to explain it man its just so stupid. In summary the cutscenes are too long, the story is terrible, and the dialogue only makes it worse. But hey, that's only one half of the game. Surely the actual gameplay is better?

The gameplay of The Quiet Man is arguably a dozen times worse than the stupid ass story. It is janky, unpolished and barebones to a laughable degree. There is basically zero explanation to anything, all you have to go off is a really awful menu that just shows symbols instead of just telling you what the buttons do so you're mostly left to button mashing your way through the whole game. And honestly thats really all you need to do for the most part. It's so poorly put together that you can just spam attack through nearly the entire thing. The enemies are the same couple ones with very minimal variance throughout most of the game. They clip through the environments and don't have transition animations so they often just teleport all over the place. The reused characters is so funny too especially when some are in the FMV cutscenes so its especially noticeable. Also not to insinuate anything but besides like some of the bosses, literally every enemy in this is a minority... so on top of everything else that's maybe not the best look. Despite how stupidly easy it is to just button mash through all of the encounters the game can be randomly hard at times. A big chunk of this is definitely because of how the controls aren't explained at all and you're expected to do certain actions for some enemies but more than this the camera is total garbage and there are multiple instances of cutscenes being flashed on screen during the combat making it hard to even see what's happening. Just as easily as you can stunlock enemies they can stunlock you and your character is very frail. Also like previously mentioned the characters just teleport around between animations so its just a huge clusterfuck of game vomit. Also they have the audacity to have a trophy for beating the game without getting hit, which is really funny.

Yeah, thats kinda all I have to say about this game. There's some other random shit like how bland it looks, like how the death loading screens being your mom/love interest looking at you lovingly. She has nice eyes and a good smile so thats basically the only part of the game I enjoyed more than I enjoy stubbing my toe. Also yeah, the same actress is used for both the main characters mom in flashbacks and as the main characters love interest. I'm not gonna comment further on it, I'm just as confused as you are. There's more I could complain about, endlessly even. But I'm tired of talking about this game lmao. In summary, this game is terrible and It's my least favorite game I've ever completed. It also gets the honor of being the very first game I ever give a 0/100 to, so congrats!

Thanks for reading y'all. Sorry this is only my third review three months in. Typing is just hard lol. I'm working on a Kirby's Return to Dream Land Deluxe and Assassin's Creed Ezio Collection review at the moment so hopefully it won't be too long before you see me again. Take care, don't play this game.

Nancymeter - 0/100
Time Played - too damn much
Trophy Completion - who cares
Game Completion #1 of March
Game Completion #51 of 2023

It's not quite the Doom x Hatsune Miku crossover I was hoping for but its probably as close as we're gonna get...

Hey y'all. I didn't mean for it to be nearly a month before my next review but I guess here we are now. It's not that I haven't been playing stuff either, quite the opposite actually. I've been playing way too much as a matter of fact. So much so the thought of giving all these games a thoughtful Nancyfly review is dreadful. But more on that later

Metal Hellsinger is, well it's Metal Hellsinger. A rhythm based first person shooter. I know at this point thats not quite an original concept but it still feels niche enough to call it unique. I do hope this grows into a genre that can stand on its own and I'd like to see more games like this with a different setting/type of music even. That's kinda the thing about this game. It feels likes it is laying the groundwork to pave the path forward for others like it, but ends up not really feeling satisfactory on its own.

Let's just get this out of the way - not to be disrespectful to everyone who worked on it, but nobody cares about the story. It'll get you from level to level but its largely irrelevant. A pro to it though is that the artwork in the cutscenes is quite pretty. Also gotta hand it to Troy Baker for his voice acting as Paz. I know being all like "woah, the most prolific video game voice actor of our time did a good job!?" is a bit of an eye roll but he pulled his Joel voice out of the closet and cranked it up to Sam Elliott, it's great.

Now onto what the people really care about. The music is, to nobody's surprise, really great. I'm not actually much of a metal fan. I wouldn't listen to it on my own its just not really my vibe. In video games however it does get the blood pumping, and Hellsinger is no exception. The instrumentals are solid but its when you get enough fury for the vocals to kick in where the soundtrack really shines. As for the combat, it's pretty okay. You basically just shoot and move to the beat. There's some limited weapon variety, but for a short game on a budget it does the job. I found the explosive crossbow to be awfully unreliable and the sword never necessary but the others were all fun to use. I basically stuck with The Hounds - dual revolvers - the whole way through. Mostly because I'm partial to revolvers and spinny twirly reload animations. Plus when using their ultimate your character does the same animation where your guns float as Tracer in Overwatch which I thought was funny. What does drag this game down the most is the enemies and bosses. There are definitely a few different enemy types you'll face, but for demons they have pretty mediocre designs and very few of them actually require any significant gameplay changes on your part. You'll fight so many of them, and a good few of the combat arenas last way too long. The game as fun as it is wears thin at about the halfway point. The bosses are also pretty bad. Most of them are just the same monster but with different attacks. Now this makes sense within the story but even with new movesets it just makes all the fights kinda dull (particularly one where you have to constantly wait like 15 seconds for it to reveal itself). I was never excited for or anticipating the next boss battle because I knew itd just be the same lame creature over again. The final boss is actually really cool and I enjoyed that fight a lot. I feel like if more of the fights where on that level or at least more unique this game wouldn't feel nearly as underwhelming as it does.

In the end, Metal Hellsinger delivers on the fun gameplay and good music it promised. My score may be a bit harsh - but I guess I was just expecting it to be a lot more impressive than the final cut. For the studios first game it's a great start and I'm game for a sequel. But I might not remember this one in the morning. Thanks for reading <3

Lil Update: I got the platinum! Also decided to raise the score a little bit. the hounds and music are too good to warrant a 3/5 so as of now its a very low 3.5 :p. Also would like to mention the fact that this is 40 on ps5 but 25 everywhere else is pretty insulting and gross. Just get the ps4 version you wont notice a difference

Bonus! Profile Update!
I have been on a roll so far this year, I've already beaten over 25 games. These have been of pretty varying lengths with a lot of them being quite short. (Here's a list of every one I've done and i've been going out of my way to play some pretty awful ones too. Most namely Duke Nukem Forever, Rogue Warrior and Life of Black Tiger. Beating so many games just makes reviewing not really viable. This one here has already taken nearly an hour of my time. There's also just the fact that some games I beat I really don't have much to say about. I want the reviews on my profile to be kept to a certain quality standard here on out and some games it's just hard to have enough new to write about I can feel proud of. Trust me, I've tried. There are still a couple games I beat recently that I plan to review - DmC, Gotham Knights (which i may have some controversial thoughts on) and Dark Pictures: The Devil In Me - and I'd like to get those out sooner or later. I also plan to do a full review of every 2023 game that comes out this year that I beat. But I just don't need the pressure of reviewing everything I do and I'm not gonna force myself to continue down that route. That's why I'm working on a new backloggd list where I will do a mini review - just sharing quick thoughts on the games that don't make the cut of a standard review for whatever reason. I hope to have that started by the time I post my next review (it's still quite a lot of writing with all the games I'm behind on lol) and I'll have it linked in my bio and at the end of every review. That way I'll have a way of remembering my thoughts on a game better in the future and anyone who'd like to see what I've been playing in-between big reviews can still get their much needed dose of Nancyfly.

If you read this far, I love you, you are loved. Happy early birthday. Have a good day. Don't forget to brush your teeth. See you next time.

Nancymeter - 68/100
Time Played - 5 hours 56 minutes
Trophy Completion - 100% (Platinum #235)
Game Completion #6 of February
Game Completion #27 of 2023

Blackgate was not even close to what I had in mind for my first new completion of 2023, but I needed space for Ridge Racer Type 4 and Secret Agent Clank so sacrifices had to be made.

In all honestly, this wasn't nearly as bad as expected. It was even almost pretty good. I am not really a fan of this genre from all the games I've tried but I think the fact that its Batman and the atmosphere were more than enough to get me moving forward. I think the Arkham formula honestly transfers quite well to this format, but there are a few pretty big hiccups that stop it from reaching its full potential.

Namely the controls are pretty finicky. Especially on vita, the bumpers are just really not reliable and they don't do this game any favors. It just feels a little bit too clunky. As im sure is common with this genre the amount of backtracking is just way too much. I really don't see why there is no way to fast travel between sections. Im sure most of my playtime was spent running around like a headless chicken trying to figure out how to just leave an area to go where I needed to be, and the map doesnt help with that at all. It's a 2D map but there's multiple sections where you can interact with the background or go up floors and this just does not translate which makes navigating more frustrating than it needs to be. Not to mention it doesn't orient itself either so you have to constantly open and close it to make sure you're going the right direction. Another complaint with this is the boss fights. While i think the Arkham combat works well on handheld still, most of the boss fights are more puzzle oriented. But they're just really annoying lmao. I don't think I had fun with a single one of them. Thankfully you can find the Darkest Night suit which negates any damage done to you which made the final boss fight much less of a headache. The last complaint is the story is just kinda sucky lol. You can fight the bosses in any order but that doesnt really change much. The biggest pro is Catwoman is featured heavily in it and she's my favorite DC character. But the ending is just really abrupt and unsatisfying. Its not terrible, it is a handheld spinoff after all. But its just another thing on the pile that kept me from loving it.

All those negatives aside, I still enjoyed my time with Blackgate overall and I liked it a lot more than I liked the actual Arkham Origins. It's a weird, often confusing and sometimes annoying mess but it was worth a play. In the end, at the very least I can cross beating a metroidvania off the bucket list.

Thank's for reading y'all, this has been a Nancyfly mini review <3

Nancymeter - 69/100
Time Played - 16 hours 46 minutes
Trophy Completion - 53% (21/31)
Game Completion #2 of January
Game Completion #2 of 2023

Hey y'all, one last review to close off the year. And a new pfp too! Goat Simulator 3 isn't exactly what I had in mind for the last game I'd end up beating this year but after so many up and downs it feels fitting to end things with a funny 6/10 meme game.

In some ways Goat Simulator 3 is a definite step up from its predecessor. It looks better, the events and missions are much easier to find. There is a homebase where new stuff is added as you level up and complete the events. Where the first game feels a bit aimless, this one having an actual structure alone makes it much better and actually leads way to a surprisingly fun finale. There are still loads of hidden secrets and easter eggs to find so the huge crowd of hard boiled Goatcore folks won't have a reason to cry about it being too streamlined and casual (who are we kidding they're one of the most well known toxic fanbases anyways). All the new additions are good. It's fun to run around as some different animals - or otherwise - and the ragdoll physics are as fun as ever. The game is intentionally unpolished, but I rarely had bugs that didnt feel fully intended besides falling out of the map once or twice. My biggest complaint is that all the minigames are locked into co-op. I played this solo so I never got to try any. The fact there's no versions with AI or anything is a pretty big letdown.

The other downside to this game isn't really its fault. The variety of the DLCS in the first game is pretty inseparable to the package as a whole, and since this game just came out It doesn't feel entirely fair to have a final word on this yet. Assuming this game continues to get updated and expanded, I am looking forward to seeing if it can one day truly surpass the original. Or not? Really I'm just happy i got this for christmas I think owning a physical copy of this for PS5 is fuckin hilarious.

Happy New Year guys. I've promised a lot of reviews and I hope to continue to provide more as I continue my gaming adventures. I appreciate any and all of you that decide to stick with me. Re4... Spider Man 2..... man next year is gonna be great for gaming. Can't wait.

Thanks for reading <3

Nancymeter - 65/100
Time Played - 8 hours 9 minutes
Trophy Completion - 81% (33/39)
Game Completion #17 of December
Game Completion #162 of 2022

The original My Name Is Mayo is pretty much the poster child of the easy trophy genre. Trophies are a great way to increase your playtime with games and it turns out that little dopamine hit you get with every "ding!" can be quite addicting for some. It did not take very long for developers to capitalize on it. The trophy hunting crowd is surprisingly big and full of everyone from casuals to of course "hardcore gamers" who get mad at people who don't solely go for "Beat the game without dying while you're blinded and dismembered" type of trophies. Its a sizeable crowd of addicts and makes it easy for publishers to take one of two routes. They can shit out shovelware asset flips for like two bucks. Or they can use the promise of easy trophies (that often unlock far before completion of the game) to get hunters to try out an obscure indie game and maybe even like it enough to beat it. I chose to believe the second option was done the most. Even if most of the games end up being cheaply made or bad, with how some hunters even buy the same game in different regions or across systems to stack I can't deny how enticing the profit sounds. However overtime it quickly became a lot more of the first option. You couldn't look at the new games section on PS5 without being spammed with shit like "Hot Dog Jump" and "Hot Dog Turbo Jump" and it was actually insulting. Sony never bothered before because its more money for them but it got so bad they actually did something for once and delisted most games like that.

So, that's all the background information you really need about these types of games. My Name is Mayo is the most popular one. You simply click X a few thousand times and boom that's 50 trophies for you. For every couple milestones you'd get a little random fact. Or you could do some side stories (if you can really even call them that) that would maybe put your mayo in a costume or do something silly with the background with every new milestone you reached. Basically the very bare minimum to even call it a game, its pretty lazy even for a clicker game. But the sillyness and quickness of just tapping a jar of food a bunch made it become both popular and infamous. The sequel, My Name Is Mayo 2, was surprisingly an improvement. It's still pretty terrible but it looked better, had a few minigames and was a little funnier too. Unfortunately 3 feels like a step down.

It is funny to me that this series falls into the common trilogy trap of the 2nd being the best and the third being kinda uninspired. This is certainly the best looking of the three, it tries to go for like a 60s vibe. But everything else leaves a bit to be desired, even for a game of this quality. The little side stories are dull and sometimes even derivative of previous entries, and only once do something interesting with the background. But after you've gone through all of those you unlock a bonus final story. Now you are no longer tapping the jar, but instead holding up the left stick as you peacefully walk up a randomly generated forest. With a goal of making it ten miles. Each mile you unlock a trophy and a little blurb like usual. Along the trail you can find different types of mushrooms. These will either change the visuals in a psychedelic way which is cute, or will throw you into a random minigame. Before you start it briefly shows you what buttons are used but it never tells you what they do or what you're supposed to do. All of these minigames are terribly designed, terribly explained and feel terrible to play. What's worse is for the little story bits it tries to be a solemn reflection on the titular Mayo's father passing. This would of been a great opportunity to reflect on trophies or something in a meta way, but they try to do some wholesome "spend time with your loved ones thing" and with how its framed - you being a fucking jar of mayo, for one - it comes off like a really longwinded, out of touch and borderline disrespectful joke. Good intentions or not it just feels gross and cheap. It soured the already lackluster experience to begin with. This is the worst one yet.

Nancymeter - 30/100
Time Played - 1 hour 25 minutes
Trophy Completion - 100% (51/51) Platinum #226
Game Completion #8 of December
Game Completion #154 of 2022

There's so many things I want to say about this game. So many things I don't quite understand or am still thinking on. So much I loved - all the new cast and music is fantastic - so much that left me so...unsure (everything). I don't really know if my feelings will ever settle on it. So much of the story is fantastic and yet the big plot points leave me perplexed and excited and.. disappointed and hell I'd forgive all of it if it just made me cry. There's some emotional moments and some of the Somniums are wonderful symbolism but the ending and everything just leaves me feeling so unsatisfied. This game is far more meta than its predecessor and because of that its simultaneously far more brilliant and so much less emotionally compelling. I cried at the ending of the first game and at the end of this one I was just wishing I could. The climax feels stunted and lacks impact because a key character is already dead before it and its attempts at replicating the best parts of the original ending just fall flat. Ryuki is a great new protagonist but his usage in the second half of the game is just completely fumbled. But how much of this is my fault? I took a month long break inbetween this game when I wasn't even that far from the ending. How much did I miss? How much did I forget? I spent over fifty hours on this game how could anyone remember every finely put detail? Would i love it or understand it anymore if I could?

I need to replay this game sometime. In the you know what order. I don't know if it'll get me any closer to a definitive understanding of my overall feelings on this game but surely it'll give me something. I feel empty after beating this. Similarly felt the same about Danganronpa V3 which also has a bit of an infamous twist. You can rag on both of these games for being too silly and having a stupid sense of humor and fuck, yeah I love that about both of them but.. even though my turmoil for either is with different circumstances I knew the second the credits rolled that they were gonna be games I'm pondering about for as long as I'll be able to remember enough to ponder.

I guess all i have to say for sure is I love Mizuki and I need a third game. You and everyone else who wrote this are sick fucks, Mr. Uchikoshi and I hope you never change.

I'm distraught. I might delete this review. Its not a good one but hell even nearly a year later I still havent been able to compile my thoughts on the original to review that properly either. I'm sorry you had to read this but if you did I hope you did it like the way Jacob Geller ends an uncertain analysis. I got the collectors edition of this thing, my first figure of Aiba. I own this game both on switch and playstation! I don't regret that at all. Just looking back on how excited I was for this makes me wish maybe I never played it in the first place. Until next time folks

Please share your thoughts i feel like im going insane

Update #1 After talking with my BF a bit more about the story i definitely feel less upset about the plot and want to try playing this again someday, but i cant shake how empty most of the ending felt for me and for that i've decided to give this game a 94/100, aka the closest i can give something to being a 5/5 without a 5/5. I havent even touched on some of my other thoughts about different parts of the game but Im just so overwhelmed and exhausted by this experience as a whole that I dont think ill cover the rest. I need to take a big step back from this before i attempt it again.
Update #2
Im going back for some trophies cuz i planned on this being my 225th milestone. Replaying a lot of parts and remembering all the stuff I really like. There's still so much I dislike but ugh I simply just can't wrap my head around it. I've been thinking about how my scale says i define a 5/5 as near perfect and I really think thats what this is. So close to perfect but its not. I had similar problem with some other movies this year and decided a 95 and a 5/5 was fair so im gonna keep this score and try not to think about this game anymore before i disintegrate
Update #3 lmao
Man. As i'm typing this i got the platinum after working on it all night. While I was playing it i got frustrated at trophies and remembered some more complaints I have about this game... man I just dont know. I've unlocked the ending cutscene in bonus and have just been letting it play. I still think the finale could of been a little better, I still think they really fucked up Ryuki, i still am not sure about the twist, but.. this game and series means way too much to me! I love this cast and I'm so happy with the new additions and what they did with Mizuki in this. I have the collectors edition box and figure on my headboard and shit! Looking through all my other favorite games even though i hate this one its still so much better and i love it so much more than most games that ever existed. Ive seen this ending multiple times now and it makes me happy. Even if its not what I wanted, i'm happy. And i think it got me a little teary eyed thinking about it all, so in the ending maybe it did succeed after all.

I've updated this review multiple times over the course of the day and a half since I've beat this. I just hope this isnt the last we see of this series. I'm gonna stop talking now as this is just becoming the diary of a mentally ill woman's attachment to fictional people and how easy she is to sway with large dance numbers.

Also! I keep forgetting but I'm proud ProZD is in this hes a good boy

Nancymeter - 97/100
Time Played - 69 hours 32 (and counting)
Trophy Completion - 100% (49/49) Platinum #225
Game Completion #7 of December
Game Completion #153 of 2022

It's hard to rate a game when It's supposed to be bad on purpose. The whole point of the game is that its janky unfinished and terrible. One could argue that if a game is trying to be as awful as possible and succeeds in that it has achieved everything it set out to be. But if its not meant to be good then well.... it just simply can't be good.

"DEEEER Simulator" is not good. It's bad. On purpose maybe. but that doesn't make it any less bad. It's fun for about ten minutes which is at best the whole time you'll play it and at worst like a sixth of that unless you try to go for all the trophies. I'm not one to like to talk about price but the fact that this game is regularly 15 dollars is a bit absurd, especially with a 5 dollar DLC (Which might be deserving of that, I haven't played it). One hour can potentially be worth 15 dollars if its a fantastic game but since this is purposely awful the price point is a bit egregious. Goat Simulator at the very least had dozens of easter eggs and secrets and more things to do than just shooting while also being more affordable. DEEEER has some of those things but excels at none of them. It does however have a story of sorts to it. Which was funny for what it was but really just none of this game is really worth seeing yourself unless it gets a really steep discount. Its not particularly hilarious or creative its just a few semi good jokes and a way to kill an hour or two. It doesnt help that the jank is too much, the game is really frustrating to control at times and just made it less fun. Some of the boss fights are a bit of a pain but dying to them respawns you with more health. This is a bit silly but trust me in a game like this its challenging enough trying to play it normally. By design or not, this one isn't really worth your time.

Thanks for reading my little mini review on a game I played because I was bored and procrastinating. <3

Nancymeter - 43/100
Trophy Completion - 90% (15/17)
Time Played - 1 hours 52 minutes
Game Completion #151 of 2022
Game Completion #5 of December

Modern Warfare and Call of Duty as a whole has always been a series that meant a lot to me. The original MW2 was one of if not my very first video game experiences. My dad was big on xbox and Call of Duty so that's what I spent a lot of my time playing as a kid, yknow way back when you'd still get made fun of for being a girl that plays video games lol. I was never pro level but I got quite (inconsistently) good at multiplayer. But what really mattered most to me was the campaigns. Modern Warfare especially I have incredibly fond memories of replaying the trilogy repeatedly. Sometimes id just replay specific levels that I thought were just that cool.

I eventually fell off on the series as a whole. Especially when they introduced Black Ops 4 as not even having a campaign I just gave up on caring about the franchises direction. But relatively recently I've been replaying the series and getting to ones I've skipped like World War 2 and Infinite Warfare. These are all widely varying in quality but with the exception of BO4 and Vanguard (which i've not tried the campaign) I've enjoyed them all. The real standout for me though was the Modern Warfare reboot. I was both really curious and cautious about rebooting the franchise but Modern Warfare 2019 turned out to be one of my favorite games in the series (can't beat Black Ops 2 though). So I was really pumped for this game. And while it mostly delivered on what I wanted, I can't help but feel a little disappointed overall.

The 2019 campaign can be criticized for relying on shock value and such but for me personally it really worked. One of the first missions I had to put the game down because it got me too emotional. I loved the gunplay and the story and holy fuck Clean House is the coolest mission of any fps since anything from Titanfall 2. Basically all I wanted from this game was to have more levels like that (really I want an entire game of just levels like that) and actually this game does have a lot of similar segments which left me very pleased. I didn't get my dream of Clean House raiding a massive drug cartel compound because they forced that to be an overlong AC-130 mission but I was happy with what I did get. But that's kinda all my positives about the campaign. I still really enjoyed it but it just lacked a lot of what was so compelling about 2019 for me. It really feels like they were taking a step back and aside from a few instances the game as a whole just feels like its playing it very safe. It never hit hard for me like its predecessor. The cast is really good but the main villain is completely forgettable and the more interesting one is dealt with in a very unsatisfying boss fight. The final level also felt incredibly underwhelming and the only cool thing about it was all the sequel bait for the inevitable third entry. Which I am still very excited for. Idk, I'm really conflicted here lol. On one hand its nowhere near as good as 2019 but on the other its still a really solid time as a whole.

The multiplayer is a different matter however. I don't care much for this side of the series anymore but this is just one of my probably least favorite mps ever? Cold War was fucking broken but it was at least still fun. 2019 wasnt great either but it still felt good. This just doesnt have any of that. I don't like the lightning fast TTK and the 15 or so matches i played all just mostly kept putting me in the same three boring maps from the beta. Not to mention the incredibly stupid way loadout customization is set up.

In all honesty though, the worst thing about this game is the UI. It's fucking BAD. Why the main menu has spots dedicated to the other games is beyond me. Its just so cluttered and ugly. When I came back to this game after a pretty long hiatus It took me like two minutes to find where the fuck the campaign even was. Its terrible and another reason why I hate Warzone and its consequences.

The game is also pretty buggy. I think it may of gotten better after the day one patch but there were so many times that a character model would glitch out or the scripting just completely failed. My teammates would just stand there and do nothing. Restarting the checkpoint wouldn't fix this issue either and I had to redo entire levels to get them to work properly which is the bare miminum you can ask for a game.

This has been a pretty negative review. But I do want to emphasis I still like this game. I think its a good game. Just for a franchise this big and with its predecessors being so good I expect a bit more polish. Who knows, maybe when I replay this down the line on Realism difficulty I'll like it more.

I'd give it a 4/5 in a heartbeat if it used the original MW2 soundtrack instead.
Thank's for reading <3

Nancymeter - 75/100
Trophy Completion - 33% (9/25)
Time Played - 19 hours 5 minutes
Game Completion #149 of 2022
Game Completion #3 of December

Above all else, Evil West is a video game ass video game and that's what I love about it.

The marketing knows this too, it has a trailer featuring goddamn Danny Trejo where it boasts not having lootboxes and making fun of the absurd monetization of games. "I just want to play a game!" he proclaims. If you're beyond a casual consumer (which I assume is the case if you're using this site) you'd find this trailer a bit cringe. It's basically just yelling that its a single player game without a bunch of microtransactions (ignoring the fact it has a pre order bonus skin lol) which yknow, isn't really all that uncommon. But there's something that makes you just wanna vigorously shout "Hell yeah" about that statement and well goddamn Evil West sure is a game.

Saying something "sure is" a game or a movie is usually used as a bit of an insult but for Evil West it is not only a true descriptor but its a bit of a refreshing one. You're just a badass cowboy with electric gauntlets that rips vampires and werewolves in half. There are upgrades and perks, which may be a bit of a mandatory and exhausted system these days, but they only enhance the gameplay and add on to the glorious variety this game has to offer. For most of the game there's constantly new mechanics thrown in. It's entirely designed to make the game more fun and thats what Evil West excels at, being fun. There is an argument to make that the game is a bit simplistic. As many others point out its reminiscent of an older gen title. Non interconnected levels, gruff badass protag and a silly story. Looking at it objectively you can sum up the game as combat arena, slight exploration, combat arena, slight exploration, small puzzle, combat arena, cutscene and so on. But you can really boil any game down to something like that and dismissing Evil West because of that is denying just how fun and cool it is. Maybe its not anything new but it doesn't need to be to be a fantastic time on its own. Hell, even the cover is a form of the "generic cool guy with a gun" but the way its presented and the art style just makes it look sick as fuck.

Throughout Evil West, you'll face a lot of repeat but unique enemies throughout with an occasional new one thrown into the mix. But it's the way enemies are thrown in together and the badass arsenal you're given that still make it so every fight feels different. I was never left with a feeling of boredom or that it was repetitive. It's hella challenging too. I played the whole game on normal. Usually I find games aren't balanced well but Evil West I thought was the perfect level for me. So many of the fights toss a huge amount of tough enemies at you. I was constantly audibly saying "Jesus Christ" or "Fucking hell" at the constant bullshit this game gives you to deal with. But because of how well this game is done I was never left feeling defeated at the constant deaths or like that it was too impossible to win. The only part of this combat I don't like are the suicide bomb enemies. They do cause you to change your play style up a bit but in every game they're put in they're more of a nuisance than a meaningful feature. There's only a few actual boss fights but all of these are quite fun as well, except maybe for The Parasite and thats only because it featured a bunch of the suicide dudes. I nervously laughed at the final bosses transformation. Fighting it, watching some of its surprisingly creepy animations and getting my ass kicked but still killing the fuck out of it in the end was when I knew for sure that this game had succeeded in everything it set out to do.

Now that i've beaten in the fact that the gameplay is super fun (without actually spoiling the mechanics) let's talk about the rest of Evil West. Firstly I want to note that the game gives you an arachnophobia warning (and the option to turn off spiders) at the start which I appreciate. As someone who is deathly scared of them but also didn't want to lessen the overall experience I didnt use this option, and fuck are there a shitload of spiders lmao. Its just a nice little bit of accessibility that I think deserved its own bit of praise. Onto the story, I don't have anything bad to say about it. It's obviously not the selling point. I do honestly wish it was a bit more over the top but I was curious in the direction and it was enjoyable. The ending is slightly abrupt but I still found it to be satisfying. Graphically Evil West isn't the best looking but something I very much appreciated was how much visual variety the levels had. Almost all of them had their own unique setting, color and feel to them. Lots of unique locations is one of the things a game can do to earn a spot in my heart and I was really happy that Evil West committed to this. One thing stopping me from giving it a full 90 is that it was a bit buggy. it was nothing game breaking. The basement of your main base has a lighting glitch, there were two instances where I got stuck in the floor during combat and had to restart. And there were a few audio glitches where just this really loud annoying sound would loop. This was all kinda a pain in the ass when it happened but everything was fixable with a simple restarting checkpoint or death. Playing on performance mode I only ever had one lag spike (that happened every time i got to this section either after death or when replaying for a trophy) was when three big bat demons spawn simultaneously. Otherwise it was never choppy or anything of the such. Another thing worth mentioning isnt a bug but a little silly and definitely a product of budget. When you're at your home base and you walk by an npc they will talk but their mouth wont move or anything. You spend such little time here that it doesnt matter but I thought it was funny enough to share.

That's kinda all I've got to say about Evil West. I really do like this game. In a year where i've gotten lots of games on launch that ended up pretty disappointing, It was nice to play a game I expected very little of that ended up being a surprisingly good time. This year has taught me a lot about both how lame critics are and how terrible I am with money.

Thanks for reading y'all <3
More stuff is on the way.

Nancymeter - 88/100
Trophy Completion - 56% (18/30)
Time Played - 15 hours 12 minutes
Game Completion #150 of 2022
Game Completion #4 of December


Sifu was quite a surprising hit when it first came out earlier this year. It seemed interesting to me but I wasn't fully sold on it - and it was pleasantly surprising to see it get a bunch of good reviews. That and finding out despite it not really being marketed that you could chose the gender of the protag ultimately made me pick this up quickly. And then proceed to not beat it until the year is nearly over.

Sifu's a game a lot of people compare to John Wick for some reason but there's no gun fu. The combat is pretty solid. It feels great and the finishers are satisfying but honestly I wasn't really a big fan of it beyond that. There's very little in the way of tells for attacks and some of the combos you can unlock are awkward to use. It really basically just felt like spamming deflect was the most reliable way to play. The bosses are actually pretty enjoyable comparatively but the third one basically just dodges and spams projectiles which made her by far the most annoying part of a pretty brutal game. The whole idea behind the aging system is really cool in theory, especially with how it ties into upgrades and seeing your characters appearance change. But that "in theory" part does a lot of heavy lifting for me. Sifu is a pretty rough game despite its short length and since you only have basically 10 lives before having to restart you'll end up replaying each of the five levels to beat them with a better age making this game basically almost a rouge-lite. It does a neat thing where if you put more exp into an upgrade you have you can permanently unlock it for future runs which is cool but this facet of gameplay was just not enjoyable for me. Maybe i got filtered but the combat didnt seem fair enough to make me wanna smash my head against a wall and keep replaying the first two levels a million times and I actually ended up dropping this game for quite a while.

And then it got an update! New difficulty modes, new modifiers, new challenges. Always love when games add new ways to expand your playtime especially when its for free. Student difficulty is basically the "easy mode" of the game. I'm not sure exactly what it changes about enemy health and player damage but the main draw of this for me was that the death counter now only goes up by one, so instead of having ten lives you have more like fifty. For me this was the optimal way to play. Student difficulty is still no joke and i got my ass kicked a lot, particularly by that annoying boss i mentioned earlier. But not having to participate in all the level replaying made this a much smoother experience and I'm glad this game gives you as many options as it does.

The visuals are also really nice. The art syle is pretty basic but it does some really cool stuff with it especially when it throws in some more surreal things. Each of the five levels are unique and have fun little references to movies like Oldboy and Kill Bill Volume One. It all works great. The story is there... its not meant to be anything more than an excuse for violence and thats all it needs to be. Now to actually see the credits in this you need to get the true ending which can be done by sparing all the bosses. This really doesnt add much to the game though as it really just gives you a new cutscene but I did it anyways to feel like I actually beat it. There's also some collectibles you can get which do interconnect between the levels. It's kinda fun to get all these and find the different shortcuts throughout but most of the enjoyment for me was just getting the silver trophies for it lol.

Overall, Sifu is a really sleek and fun (even if you might need to tweak it a bit) game. It may not blow you away but with all the accessibility options there's a lot to get out of this whether you want a tought as tits challenge or to just beat the fuck out of a lot of people.

Thanks for reading y'all. More stuff coming soon I promise <3

Nancymeter - 75/100
Trophy Completion - 91% (38/43)
Time Played - 17 hours 56 minutes (i really don't know how)
Game Completion #148 of 2022
Game Completion #2 of December

"Wanna know the name? Devil May Cry"

As someone who has always heard amazing things about this franchise - as someone who even owns the whole series including the reboot - honestly it's still pretty surprising to me that I can finally say I've beaten a Devil May Cry game.

Besides the fact that I have a never ending backlog I tend to gravitate towards games that aren't universally loved as nothing saddens me more than getting high expectations from everyone who swears by a game or not loving a game quite as much and not fitting in with everyone else. I also often don't even finish the games I really love anyways, maybe because I don't want them to be over. Beyond that, I'm not generally fond of playing games known for their difficulty. Even more so I have a hard time adjusting to and being able to play old classics (from the PS2 era especially) and usually that goes hand in hand with the first problem. I gave the first and second games a chance a few months ago and they did not leave very great impressions at all. I was worried that this series would be another beloved thing I "just don't get". So to say I beat DMC3 and really liked it is quite the relief! Now even saying that, DMC3 does fall into some of the trappings that drag it down and stop me from being able to say I love it as a whole, but there is still stuff about it that I love.

In gaming I am usually a story over gameplay kinda gal, and it often annoys me when plots are too vague, convoluted or confusing for me to figure out. I know DMC3 is a prequel but I definitely feel like the larger plot overall was lost on me. Strangely enough this really didnt bother me much this time around and I think a large part of that is the strong cast between Dante, Virgil and especially Lady. Another big factor is the cutscenes are all the perfect amount of cool as shit and utterly fucking ridiculous. The over the top action is by far the best part of the game and if it was strictly story and action this game honestly could of had a 5/5. But it's the stuff inbetween that sours the experience overall for me.

Whether it be fighting games, beat-em-ups, hack n slash games like this or hell even stuff like Sifu and Yakuza I am absolutely terrible at games with combos. I'm a tried and true button masher and Im just never gonna be great at them unless i put a lot of time and effort but I don't really want to do that lol. It's not a genre of combat I particularly care for. Obviously learning the combat and being rewarded for pulling off cool combos is a big part of this game so it was never gonna hit as well for me as others but I still had fun with this games combat. The Special edition blessed me with easy automatic difficulty and gave me the kind of experience I prefer. Blasting through shit and not having to lose more years off my life by stressing and getting angry is much more fun for me. And the combat is still great. A lot of the enemy designs are really cool, and to my surprise a lot of the boss fights felt really balanced and not unfair. Some enemies like the spinning shield dudes are very annoying to deal with, and theres a lot of stunlocking and knockback in later sections that wore my patience a bit. But the real great thing about the combat is there's multiple different weapons and movesets that all play differently. I usually stuck with Agni and Rudra the whole game while dabbling in the others. All the variety plus the scoring system for each mission (not to mention the new playable character in this edition) lends to a lot of replayability and even if its not something I'll take advantage of it is admirable. But, while for me the combat was very easy and fun I still got quite a bit of frustration about the other parts of the gameplay. If i tried to beat this on normal difficulty while dealing with everything else this would be like a 3/5 at best. For one, I really don't like the setting. There are some really cool locations outside of it near the beginning, middle and end but most of the game takes place in this really big tower. I just did not like it at all. It felt a bit boring. There's not really backtracking necessarily but the way the tower is all connected means you'll be going through some of the same locations more than once and it just really wasn't great. The game isnt very clear about where to go most of the time either, and so for me I was running around a bunch trying to find whatever the hell item i was supposed to place wherever the hell else. Idk, there isnt really many puzzles in this exactly but the amount of times I had to look up a guide because the game was being too obtuse was a constant pain in the ass from the beginning. It really doesn't help how so much of it is just the same "find blank and put in blank" stuff either.

So that's all my thoughts on Devil May Cry 3, basically. Too much of the gameplay dragged for me to put it up there with other Nancy Certified Hits but the rest was really amazing. If 5 really is just this but without PS2 jank I think I'll love it. I don't know if i care enough to go back to the original two but I just might.

Man, Lady is epic as hell. And just the way that line (that I quoted at the beginning of this review) is delivered is so raw.
I'm still working on my Balan Wonderland review but who knows what Ill randomly decide to burn through next. Thanks for reading <3

Nancymeter - 83/100
Trophy Completion - 21% (14/34)
Time Played - 10 hours 44 minutes
Game Completion #147 of 2022
Game Completion #1 of December

Look, we deserve better from our modern AAA releases. I did not suffer from any technical issues but its clear to see this game could of used a lot more time in the oven. But all that being said, I'm not gonna lie. I had a pretty fun time playing through this.

As someone who does not really like open worlds or deserts, I thought the setting for this was pretty good. Sure graphically the game isnt great and the world itself does feel pretty lifeless but as a location/vibe I enjoyed it well. I see a lot of people talking about how cringe all the characters and dialogue are but I didnt really feel like they were? Maybe (considering what the internet thinks about some of my favorite series) i just have a really high tolerance but I don't recall any moments that really bothered me and I thought the main cast was all pretty likeable. Although at least half of the reason for that is Greg Chun being such a lovely VA. For my "Boss" the voice I chose was Erica Lindbeck's who I also adore. It was always really funny to hear her swear with a similar voice to one of her other characters. The story mode was a bit shorter than expected but for the most part I had fun with it. None of the missions really stand out and the few setpiece ones definitely lack the oomph they really needed. The story itself is very silly and definitely suffers a bit from its lack of length but idk, it's another thing that i thought was pretty enjoyable and I was satisfied with the ending.

The gameplay is kinda oof. The driving controls for normal vehicles is pretty goddamn awful but you unlock stuff like a hoverbike or tank pretty easily and those were a lot more fun to use. The shooting is fine but quite stiff. I found that most of the guns kinda sucked but the fully upgraded magnum was pretty busted and fun to use. You also get a finisher that replenishes where you can insta kill weaker/weakened enemies and those are pretty silly (in the fun way). Another big mechanic of the game is pretty standard open world stuff. There is an emphasis on expanding businesses and doing a bunch of side missions to upgrade them. These are as repetitive as they sound but they do have their own personality and flair to them. I'm on a bit of a crunch to beat stuff before the year ends so I didnt play much but from what I did they were enjoyable enough. The last thing I wanna touch on is the customization. I always love when games have this and Saints Row's system is pretty good. Especially because this game lets you be (half) naked. Running around and gunning people down with my tits out like god intended is lovely. Unfortunately you can only be topless OR bottomless which is clearly sexist anti-lesbian agenda. Just another thing about the game that's half assed....

I feel like a lot of my review is saying something about the game that isn't really good and then me saying I like it anyways. It's not that I am just coping and trying to justify to myself why I bought it. I love trying new games so thats never really a factor for me. I see all the problems this game has and I can definitely understand why there isnt really anyone who loves this. It's mid by modern standards for sure but the hate does feel a bit overblown. It's still constantly brought up as the worst game of the year and I legit unsubscribed from a youtuber I used to watch because he fuckin talked about it so goddamn much. Im still not really sure why i like this game either but the more I think about it the more I wonder if I really need a reason. In the end I just do, and its a fun game to sit back with while you have youtube on.

In the end i feel incredibly conflicted about Saints Row 2022. The only thing I can say definitively is that the main theme is pretty bopping and its been stuck in my head all day.

Thanks for reading this "review" <3
Next up is whatever game comes next, but a Balan Wonderworld one is in the works :p

Nancymeter - 65/100
Time Played - 17 hours 52 minutes
Game Completion #145 of 2022
Game Completion #11 of November

I don't think anyone can argue that the presentation of this isnt stellar. The game just looks simply great. There is a really good use of camera angles with the fixed camera and all the locations look quite nice. But that's where my praise for Trek to Yomi stops. In fact, there were parts of this game that felt like they were tailor made to be exactly what I don't like.

The story is very classic and something you'll be familiar with but its not trying to be anything different. It fits the style the game is going for it's just nothing new and that's perfectly fine. Where the game really falters is in the gameplay. Now I can stomach some repetitive combat. Guardians of The Galaxy was my game of the year for 2021 and its not really a high point of contention that the gameplay wasnt the best part of it. But if a game doesnt have the best combat, as long as it has a good story I don't really mind. Well like we established Trek to Yomi doesn't really have that either. All it has going for it is the visuals. And part of that is actually the gore from the combat. You are cutting people up with swords but the finishers are where the real fun is at. So despite the story being simple and the combat being repetitive it was at least bloody enough to keep me from being bored. But then we get to the midpoint of Trek to Yomi which is where I believe that, for me personally, the entire game falls apart.

At first, around Chapter 4, things start getting a bit horror-esque almost and you're fighting some cool creatures. But then the game takes it too far and for most of the rest of the game it focuses on supernatural/mystical type shit and very surreal almost like the random dream sequences every game seems to need. Now this does make sense within the story but If i'm being honest I absolutely hate that shit. It always makes the games feel like they drag on for far too long and Trek to Yomi is no exception. Not only that, for most of the rest of the game you're fighting basically ghosts and spectres. If there is anything I dislike more in games is having to fight dozens and dozens of non living enemies like robots or ghosts. Nothing makes me lose interest faster. That is on top of the game already starting to wear its welcome with the repetitive combat. In an attempt to shake things up it just makes the game incredibly more boring and sloggy. In perhaps another attempt to shake up the combat, midway through they start introducing puzzles. Yeah, I'm not kidding. These puzzles arent super prevalent but there are a good handful of them. They may only take half a minute at most but god they're just so boring. And when the rest of the game feels like a repetitive slog, screeching things to a halt to make you do stupid little puzzles is absolutely not the solution.

All the things I listed above don't necessarily make for a bad game, but for me its three of my least favorite gaming shticks all piled onto one halfway through the game right when it felt like it was starting to drag anyways. I just hate that, and I'm sure some people enjoyed the change of pace but it completely checked me out.

I don't know. I don't have anything else to say really. The final boss fight is kinda annoying. I went for the bad ending because those are more fun when I don't really care about whats going on. It was fine.

Trek to Yomi is a game. Not a terrible one I suppose, but I will not replay this ever and I really can't recommend it to someone unless they really love the time period and art style. It only took me four hours to beat so yeah. This review has became a ramble but this game put my mind to fucking mush lol.

Thanks for reading <3

Nancymeter - 50/100
**Trophy Completion - 19% (11/29)
Time Played - 4 hours
Game Completion #144 of 2022
Game Completion #10 of November