Fun platformer, though fairly basic. A really solid beginning to a series.

Really outstanding for the time period. The unique camera angle makes it play better than most 3D platformers at the time. Levels are a bit too easy and empty, and bosses can be cheesed easily.

Really outstanding early use of Rogue mechanics, perfectly packaged in a puzzle-like game for GB. There's not enough here to call it a must play, but for the GB this is one of the best pick up and play games.

Metal Slug 2 is a more ambitious follow up to Metal Slug, but just introduces slowdown (in most versions) and clunky platforming. It's a mindless button mash that does better in the arcade.

It's a decent Kirby game for what it is. Has some surprising difficulty sometimes, but nothing too much to stand out. Level 7 is repetitive and a drag, but everything before that is fun and engaging.

Really nice looking platformer for the Famicom, and it controls really tightly. Boss battles are a nice change of pace and engaging. Level design is unfortunately completely brain dead, really dragging this game down.

Fun and frantic beat em up. Graphics are nice, special moves feel great to pull off.

Really has aged poorly. Nothing too awful about it, but it's just a mediocre racer now with some control and ai issues. Can still be plenty fun, but shows its flaws.

Not great. It controls well, and the platforming is satisfying. That's all there is too this game. Level design is basic and boring, bosses aren't fun (a cardinal Mega Man sin) and there's enough trial and error to pad out a short Gameboy game.

Game works? That's all I can say, the car controls feel decent for GBC. Dull, dull, dull. Nothing here invites any person to play it.