8.5/10 Fantastic game, absolutely loved it. Combat was super engaging and really unique for a turn based RPG. Crafting was fun. Exploration was fun. Beat on ultra hard, some fights were really challenging, I feel like anything lower would have been too easy.

Only complaint was chapter 3 dragged on. Other than that, the story, while not groundbreaking, was engaging enough. The combat is where it's at.

Really fun, quick little metroidvania. Crafting is neat, every time you'd get a popup that a new craft is ready was exciting going into the inventory to see what it was. Really neat how it promotes you using different abilities/summons, but the ease of getting consumables lowered the difficulty quite a bit.

Great game. Loved all my time with it, formed fun parasocial relationships that made me sad when it ended. Tartarus is still a drag in this version, but still a fantastic game.

9.5/10, STELLAR game. Enjoyed 100% start to finish. Story was great. Characters were awesome. Unit creation was EXCELLENT. So. Many. Tactics. The fact that you can create so many custom builds, come up with so many ideas, then go to the coliseum and find things people have come up with you've never even thought of.

Very fun. Much better than Remake IMO.

Good graphics, side quests were more engaging, open world exploration was dopamine inducing until near the end of the game when it got tedious. Combat is still not my favorite, won't ever do hard mode.