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1 day

Last played

March 20, 2023

Platforms Played


The story and silly accents are a ton of fun. This is basically the game I wanted L.A. Noire to be.

The shooting mechanics can be a little wacky and imprecise at times, but they're serviceable. I really liked the vehicle handling. It's a bit more on the simulation side of things but it's fun.

I'm tempted to give this a bit of a higher rating because I did enjoy it quite a bit. A few things brought it down for me. Graphically, it looks pretty stunning, especially for a late-gen PS4 game. In motion though, the 30fps just feels real choppy. Something about just never felt smooth. Admittedly, maybe I'm just so used to 60fps games these days, that my brain is spoiled. Who knows. Also, in regards to the story, I really enjoyed these characters and I found myself quite invested in Tommy's life. But I wanted more. We get glimpses of Tommy's humanity throughout the game but there's this reluctance from the game to engage with it in a significant way. And all of that culminates in an ending that I can't help but feel is a bit rushed. Feels like when the game ends, it's only really beginning.

Mafia: Definitive Edition is about as good as gets for remakes of old ass games. Enjoyed getting the platinum in this one.