It's aight. It's pretty tense a lot of the time, and it does a good job at cultivating stress. However, it has the same issue the first game has where you really only need to use one of the cameras. The worst part is how luck is factored in. It's not a huge issue in the main 5 nights, but I did get screwed over randomly while playing a few times. However, Night 6 was pretty annoying because it felt like every time I'd need to tend to one issue but it wouldn't be possible because of something else and I'd die despite playing well. Still fun overall, but a bit less fun than the first. It feels a bit overly complex in ways that don't strictly add to the experience.

A pretty great chaotic multiplayer game. The stupid controls and unpredictable maps would ordinarily make a game worse, but for a dumb multiplayer game like this it works pretty well. Highly recommended if you've got some friends to play it with. I doubt it would be that fun with random people online.

It's alright. It definitely succeeds at what it wants to be, but I don't really care for what it wants to be. There's some cool set pieces, but a lot of it is just walking around pretty slowly.

As far as demos go, it's pretty cool.

A pretty solid remake of the very underwhelming original. It takes a lot of concepts from the original and fleshes them out in a really fun way. It controls and runs much better, and is overall a way smoother experience. My biggest issue with the game is that it didn't feel very original throughout most of it. The game was mostly reusing classic castlevania tropes and gimmicks which makes it feel a bit tired for someone like myself who's played a lot of the series. It's still fun throughout, with the exception of a couple small instances. Being able to pick how many continues you get is a nice quality of life change, although having no lives whatsoever would have also been a welcome inclusion. Overall, easy recommendation to platformer fans, but it lacks originality.

A very strange and incredibly cool music-themed adventure game. The plot is somewhat confusing but fun to piece together and pretty intriguing, the visuals are seizure-inducing (in a good way), and very varied and appealing. There's a ton of music and it's great. The gameplay is super fun, too. Pretty great all around.

Pretty great game. The combat is pretty fast and has a decent amount of variety and keeps you on your toes. The music and visuals are pretty stellar for n64. The story and voice acting is kinda bad but in a charming way. It's quick, easy to replay, and super enjoyable. Easy recommend.

A platformer where you play as a ball. It gets pretty creative with the concept. However, it gets somewhat repetitive as it goes on. Some ideas feel underutilized as well. A bit bland visually, although each area is distinct. Fun overall.

Mostly fun, but can be somewhat hit or miss. Dungeons often feel a bit padded and overly large, but not to a horrendous degree. Several items are pretty fun to use, like the magnet glove and roc's cape, but some are kinda lame. The season switching is cool, but feels a bit limited in how it's used to solve puzzles. Using it within dungeons may have helped flesh out the mechanic. The game also suffers from being a gbc game, and opening the menu is a frequent annoyance. It's still mostly fun, with plenty of charm, fun puzzles, everything you'd want in a zelda game. It just feels a bit rough, especially compared to Link's Awakening.

You like xenoblade? Here's some more xenoblade.

This was a replay, and my opinion is pretty much the same as it was when I played it the first time. It's the weakest of the game's four campaigns, but it's still pretty fun. The controls are pretty interesting and fun to use, but they don't get fully used a lot of the time since most of the level design is just copypasted from shovel knight's campaign. Plague of Shadows is at it's best when it's doing it's own thing. Like the story, for instance. Seeing what's happening on the other side of Shovel Knight's campaign is really fun, and Plague Knight and Mona's relationship is great and really helps carry the story. The original music and visuals are spot on, and feel just as great as the original campaigns. Overall? A pretty great time, and a worthy game to be in the treasure trove lineup.

This game is an interesting case. The gameplay is pretty fun, with a variety of obstacles that get iterated on well. The problem comes in with the game's lack of originality. The mechanics, music, story, and visuals are all fairly standard. Nothing is particularly offensive (except for some cringe dialogue and very bland UI), but nothing stands out particularly well either. I think the game could have been really great if it was more original and creative in all regards. But even with that as an issue, the game is still pretty fun.

A fun layton game, but it feels like a step down from the previous entries. While everything is still good here, most elements just feel lesser. The stakes are smaller, the environment and plot are less interesting, the character interaction isn't as fun, puzzles aren't as consistently great as before. However, everything here is still pretty fun. It looks good, music is great, everything you would want in a puzzle game visual novel like this is accounted for. I was a bit mixed on newcomer Emmy. I like what she adds to the group dynamic, but it felt like she was missing something to flesh out her character more. One of the things I really like about the series is the dynamic between Luke and Layton, and since this is a prequel, the dynamic isn't really there since Luke acts pretty different this time around. It doesn't make it bad or anything, just less strong than previous. I would probably rate it higher if it wasn't released after the best Layton game.

It's fine. I like the idea of a photography-based game, but replaying levels constantly with trial and error isn't really that fun. That said, there's a lot of creativity and charm this game has. But it's just okay. Not the most interesting, but it's not long enough to be annoying.

Short, but pretty fun. The platforming is pretty varied and enjoyable, and the music's pretty good.