While impressive for the hardware, the lack of infinite continues and frequently annoying level design make this a weaker metal slug entry.

It's pretty simple and charming, and that mostly works in the game's favor. The puzzles can occasionally be pretty tricky. Each world has a different gimmick that is utilized pretty well in a variety of ways. The mechanics never really interact, and the puzzles feel fun but nothing too crazy. It's good, but a bit lacking.

A platformer where you play as a ball. It gets pretty creative with the concept. However, it gets somewhat repetitive as it goes on. Some ideas feel underutilized as well. A bit bland visually, although each area is distinct. Fun overall.

While it's certainly weaker than superstar saga and bowser's inside story, it's still pretty fun and well worth checking out. The gameplay, combat, exploration, everything is well done. But there's many small flaws that steadily mar the experience. Most areas go on a bit longer than they probably should, most bosses and enemies have a bit too much health (like the terrible final boss that has an INSANE health pool). There's a lot of padding and unintuitive design. It's still fun at it's core, however.


The atmosphere is pretty great, and some puzzles can be decently fun. The music is pretty good too, and it gets some credit for being one of the first RPG maker games. But as an actual game? It has the blandest, most boring combat possible in an RPG and the frequency of dull enemy encounters really let this game down.

You like xenoblade? Here's some more xenoblade.

The best virtual boy game, especially when played on anything other than the virtual boy

Basically an interior (and exterior) design simulator. And I find that kind of thing very very fun.

Short, but pretty fun. The platforming is pretty varied and enjoyable, and the music's pretty good.

While the controls took some getting used to, I warmed up to it a lot after I cleared the fairly lengthy prolouge. It really got better and better as it went along, with only a few small annoyances. The music is excellent, and it's a visual marvel for the hardware. Don't play it if you suffer from wrist pain, and you should probably take breaks every few levels to not hurt yourself.

A fun layton game, but it feels like a step down from the previous entries. While everything is still good here, most elements just feel lesser. The stakes are smaller, the environment and plot are less interesting, the character interaction isn't as fun, puzzles aren't as consistently great as before. However, everything here is still pretty fun. It looks good, music is great, everything you would want in a puzzle game visual novel like this is accounted for. I was a bit mixed on newcomer Emmy. I like what she adds to the group dynamic, but it felt like she was missing something to flesh out her character more. One of the things I really like about the series is the dynamic between Luke and Layton, and since this is a prequel, the dynamic isn't really there since Luke acts pretty different this time around. It doesn't make it bad or anything, just less strong than previous. I would probably rate it higher if it wasn't released after the best Layton game.

Incredibly cool, and incredibly annoying.

It's pretty average. Most of the platforming mechanics aren't very well utilized and exploration is pretty simplistic and mostly wastes your time. The character animation looks good but the environment design is quite bland and flat. Most of the music is alright, but a few tracks are really good. It's okay, nothing special. Even as an adventure time fan, it didn't do much.

This game was a pretty comfortable ride. While it's very simple, collecting stuff feels satisfying and slowly chipping away at 100% was fun. It gets stale fairly quick, but 100%ing the game only took 4 hours so it's not too big a deal. This game's nothing too special, but it's a nice, relaxed time. Also the remaster is pretty good, with some really great animation and lighting. Just make sure to turn off motion blur.