The best virtual boy game, especially when played on anything other than the virtual boy

This game sucks, but playing it on a discord call while streaming it to my friends was really funny. It's a great "so bad it's good" kinda game, as long as you have a walkthrough. If you want to play a good hitman game, just skip to blood money.

It's good, but it runs a bit too long and gets fairly repetitive at points. I enjoy many of it's mechanics, such as being able to actually build functional towns, farms, defenses, mines, etc. It's cool and gives a function to the building mechanics, and the game does a good job at encouraging creativity. Sometimes. Other points it's oddly linear without any wiggle room, and those segments can get a bit dull. Also the game could easily be cut down by like 10 hours at least, which would really help out the pacing. Otherwise, it's fun. I just wish it leaned more into being a sandbox. It's a good twist on a voxel building game genre.

This game is really dumb and unique, which is probably the thing I appreciate most about it. It regularly stops the platforming action for various absurd minigames, and the personality is incredibly strong. The animation and colors are great. The music is mostly good, but a couple tracks STINK. The platforming is incredibly varied, with a ton of new gimmicks. A lot work and a lot don't. It's inconsistent, but is greatly helped by it's charm.

I liked Psychonauts 1 a fair bit, but I did not expect 2 to be THIS GOOD. The original game was at it's peak when it combined light puzzle solving with fun platforming and an interesting brain-related gimmick. While that was only super well hit in a handful of levels, just about every level here is excellent. The whole game is brimming with creativity. It looks fantastic, with intricate detail. The music is great, and fits the mood incredibly well. The varying genres match the shifts in art style to a T. Raz is a very protagonist to play as. The controls are super tight and give a decent amount of movement options to use, and the environments are pretty dense and fun to explore. Although it never lacks in focused platforming trials either. My favorite area to explore would definitely be the questionable area, but not a single area is boring. The addition of a skill tree is an excellent idea implemented well for extra customization. The combat has to be the best I've seen in a platformer, probably ever. It re contextualizes all the game's mechanics into the battle system in a way that feels organic, fun, chaotic, and challenging. This is all on top of an excellently written, engaging, and touching narrative that never feels pandering. All in all, it has pretty much everything you'd want in a 3D platformer.

The best game, possibly ever. Incredibly tight pacing, it never lingers on one thing too long. Snappy and fun combat/exploration. A ton of variety. Music is great and catchy. The writing is great and pretty funny. Anything a game can do well, this game does. Granted, I'm biased since this is the game that defined a lot of my tastes back when I played it as a kid. But whatever, the game is excellent. Note: Replayed it recently. Still peak

A solid start to the sub-series, but pretty lacking in most regards. Level design is somewhat bland across the board, and it can be annoying or punishing. Most of it is alright, but some points (like escorting a soldier across a desert) can be pretty tedious. The limited continues are a major annoyance as well. Zero is fun to play is, which helps a lot. Music isn't great, visuals are fine. It's okay, I suppose.

A pretty fun arcade experience that's really fun to get good at. The soundtrack that changes with the customization of your plane is a nice touch, and the mission structure helps give purpose to the action. Figuring out the best plane part combo to solve a particular mission can be pretty fun. The only major letdown is in some of the game's luck elements. Some missions require you to get good combos or defeat specific rare enemy types, which can be really hard to do if they just refuse to spawn. Overall pretty good.

Conceptually pretty cool, but it gets old kinda fast. It introduces new mechanics at a decent pace, but I often found myself backtracking and re-backtracking just because I needed a specific ability I couldn't have at that point. This was really hurt by a lack of a map and a very repetitive structure. The end of the game also basically forces you to revisit every level to 100% it, which I found annoying. It just feels a bit shallow.

It's pretty rough. Only two zones are actually fun, being green hill and starlight zone. Everything else is okay at best and terrible at worst. Labyrinth zone is arguably one of the worst levels in sonic history.

It's good, but less good than I remember. Most of the game is solid, but the last chunk of the game kinda blows. Sky chase is boring, Wing fortress is bs, and the final boss is just trial and error with no rings. It really hurts what was otherwise a good time.

It's a neat game, but it gets pretty repetitive. I appreciate the number of different enemy and weapon types, but that can only help the issue so much when level design can get kinda samey. Also the life system sucks and has no reason to be here.

I'd say it's a solid improvement over the first, largely owing to the vastly improved survivor ai, the pretty fun crafting system, and a few quality of life changes. While I prefer the writing and narrative of the first game, the gameplay experience is just better here. If you can play it with a friend, I would recommend that.

It's pretty average. Most of the platforming mechanics aren't very well utilized and exploration is pretty simplistic and mostly wastes your time. The character animation looks good but the environment design is quite bland and flat. Most of the music is alright, but a few tracks are really good. It's okay, nothing special. Even as an adventure time fan, it didn't do much.

Incredibly cool, and incredibly annoying.