Old man in his 30s with a life long fascination for all games of all genres. 😎
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Lorelei and the Laser Eyes
Lorelei and the Laser Eyes

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"With bony hands I hold my partner/ On soulless feet we cross the floor/ The music stops as if to answer/ An empty knocking at the door/ It seems his skin was sweet as mango/ When last I held him to my breast/ But now we dance this grim fandango/ And will four years before we rest."

Damn, what a game! The first I've played from Tim Schafer and Co. and it won't be my last for sure. The story, the characters, the music are all top notch - really well written and funny as hell. It all pulled me till the very end. If you enjoy point n click adventures then this is an obvious must play.

The puzzles are usually pretty good and there's a wide variety of them, from very simple to complex and multi-layered. They usually follow the silly logic of the game's world but there's a handful that are extremely hard to work out so don't sweat it if you need a guide a handful of times.

it's a good looking game. I'm a big fan of prerendered backgrounds and there's a lot of charm in the various areas around the world.

SAVE EARLY, SAVE OFTEN Maybe it's the remaster's fault, but I did run into a few technical issues - mostly softlocking and having to reload or close the game entirely, so just please save yourself the headache and save a lot.

Finally getting around to this after all these years and it's... ok! The characters are mostly bland (fuck Dan, jesus christ) and the story is pretty simple, but the setting and set pieces are cool. Art wise it's pretty damn nice looking with its classic pre-rendered backgrounds and that's where I got most of my enjoyment from. It's got this strange Soviet steampunk/clockwork aesthetic going on which is kinda awesome.

The puzzles are just ok, nothing mind blowing. Mostly obvious, sometimes nonsensical, and a small handful of pretty clever ones. You might end up having to pixel hunt a little and most of your time will be spent running back and forth between empty screens.

If you've ever seen the anime Kino's Journey, it feels kind of like an episode from that. Traveling to weird, surreal lands filled with strange sights and stranger people, and you can't help but want to see what's next.