1548 Reviews liked by Nico77A

The game runs so badly that it's the first thing to come to mind about it. Doesn't even look that great despite sacrificing any hopes for decent performance.
The combat is slow, simple, and not particularly satisfying.
Level design is fine, but the incredibly slow movement speed makes it feel boring despite it having lots of detail.
To encourage exploration, the game has a ton of resources hidden in lockers, drawers, and boxes laying around. Too bad the ammo limit is literally one spare magazine per gun - the main character can carry a pistol, smg, sniper rifle and shotgun on her, but not two magazines for any of these weapons. It doesn't make sense and it doesn't make gameplay better.
The only reason I had to stick around was the story. The voice acting grew on me, and I thought the setup for the story had potential to be interesting, but the story ended before it really began, and it spent most of the runtime simply faffing about, not exploring any character or the world that much. There were little interactions that I found cute, but that was during banter, not actual character moments.

ya lo dije en otro lado pero lo vuelvo a decir aca. esta es la epoca en la que no hay casi ningun videojuego bueno y la gente entonces esta desesperada y siente nostalgia por los remakes. a la orden del dia tambien se puso de moda la estetica dark coquette, tiktok puso ojo en el foco a las chicas que les gustan los elementos oscuros. esto podria valerles una millonada si saben bien aprovecharlo, PERO NO, VAN Y LO CANCELAN. son unos pelotudos extremos no lo puedo creer. ojala fatal frame haga remake y les rompa bien el orto.

this was like peering into an alternate, utopian timeline where the only different thing was that this build was finished and released in 2001. Guess what? no cancer, no hunger, no discrimination, and I became a trillionaire from writing videogame reviews.

Cant believe that this unfinished build from 2001 manages to just beat the 2011 release in every single aspect. For an unfinished build it just packs so much personality and has so much content that just rocks and with the source code also being leaked it's just a matter of time until a passionate group of people will make the visions that were in the middle of blooming live and the dream a reality.

This could have been great.
This could have been at the top of the best of PC Gaming.

You fucked up Broussard.

honestly baffling how this revolutionary game was taken from us because some guy played Half Life or whatever

Truly mindboggling that this ever saw the light of day.
You can see, hear, and feel the potential when playing the broken leaked build. Whats even more mindboggling; the fact its still kinda fun despite it's blatantly unfinished state.

Genuinely could, and should have been one of the greatest games ever made

It's hard to give this one a rating, since it was never released. But I bet it would have been one of the best games ever released in the 2000's!

Bye bye no saber que cojones hacer mientras espero I guess.

This campaign alone makes the purchase of Quake Remastered worth it. It's a love-letter to early 3D games that manages to cohere the original Quake's disparate elements.

I can't resist. I have to blast this game. This game is the SOLE reason that I don't preorder anything anymore. I grew up with Duke Nukem 3D, and I was so excited for a new take on Duke and a new FPS game. Good God this game was a huge piece of shit (similar to the literal piece of shit you can grab out of a toilet IN THE GAME)! Nothing about this gaming experience was fun, but you know what? I finished it. I slogged through this steaming cesspool and finished the goddamn thing. I was not going to let the game win. I'd give it a zero if I could.

I believe this is the worst game I have ever played. While yeah there are probably worse out there, this one takes the cake.

>Sequel to a game from 1996 that blows this out of the water.
>All of the fast movement and gameplay is gone, now stuck with cover shooter gameplay.
>No more health packs, exploration, and items like HoloDuke and Scuba Gear are gone.
>Only saving grace is the interactions of the game world are still kept in tact.

No point in playing this abandonware. Just play the original.