The cool novelty wears off far too quickly, and after a wee while you're not even playing a skating game anymore. It hits a wild difficulty spike in the second last zone and becomes a precision platformer that frustrated me to the point of just admitting defeat.

Hopefully the sequel improves on my issues and offers more ways to get through levels.

The game is broken. Seems to start with behind the scenes type stuff that should be an unlockable after completion, and then throws us into what feels like the halfway point and we're just supposed to know what's happening.

I scoured the city for 5 hours trying to make progress, and couldn't find a single mission trigger. It's a shame this was free, because I can't call it a cynical cash-in, but it definitely is that in spirit. Fans of the films, please avoid.

I was convinced I knew what this game was by the 20 hour mark, even with the erratic pacing, then it suddenly takes a very weird turn and had me feeling like I'd missed hours of events and story all through to the credits rolling.

I'm sitting here in a B&B at 1am feeling pretty deflated because it's left me with more questions than I thought I'd be holding. I really loved these characters, and there is no sense of payoff for most of them.

I don't know what else to say. I'm not sad, just kinda annoyed. Clearly the devs were going for something different to what I expected, which would be fine if that was a realisation I had in the first few hours, but for it to only hit in the last quarter of the game is disappointing shit. Some of the lushest pixel art I've ever seen, mind you.

I wish it had hit me like it did others, but it veers off the tracks too often for stuff that feels pointless. There's a lot of love and heart in here, but for me the foundations slowly crumble beneath that, and it never makes it to the station.

Excellently grim wee platformer. Often gave me the same feeling as Little Nightmares did.

The world is gorgeous and horrible in equal measure. Whether you're walking in a flowery field or waist deep in viscera. There's nae punches pulled here. It's old folklore in all its glory on full display. An extremely scary moment was when it bluescreened my PC and forced a restart.

The word "buddy" has never carried such weight.

Gnome jumpscare got me again 13 years later.

She lie on my p-organ till I become a real boy.

A cool short possession puzzler that feels a bit like something from the PSP days prettied up.

Weirdly bare bones compared to what I was expecting. There just isn't enough there to justify 40 levels. Found myself just going on auto-pilot for most of it until I hit a boss fight.


Just so boring and bland compared to everything else Cing put out.

Had to check three times to make sure it was definitely them.

A bizarre and obtuse thing that I cannae imagine playing without a guide. There's a cool premise here, and later stuff that crops up is interesting, but everything about it feels like you're oil wrestling while an invisible clock ticks down. I had alarms blaring and lights flashing while I struggled to navigate conversation branches to just ask a dude what was happening, then the station fell into the sun and the game gave me a score of 27. Apparently that was one of 12 or 13 possible endings.

Reading a guide is just you being directed to different floors and rooms to talk with folk, and I don't see how you could know to do any of those unless you were hunting down every single NPC and asking every single iteration of dialogue options, which could take hours. Hours you don't have unless you want to do seventeen playthroughs.

I really liked the vibe of it all at the start, but it quickly became so frustrating to just interact with. A real shame, because I feel like some tweaking could have resulted in a wee hidden gem.

I will give it props though for the difficulty select screen. Three sliders.

Ship Simulator

Disease Spread

Respect for Player

A cute premise that just doesn't have enough going on to justify the length. I reached the halfway point and was just waiting for some kind of new mechanic to kick in.