God knows why this even has a solo option. It's interminably boring. I imagine there's fun to be had with friends, but am I fuck asking folk to jump into this so we can do "Gang Beasts but a round lasts 20 minutes".

I did lots of walking around and fiddling with physics, and sometimes a wee bit of music would play. That's it. There's so little here and I'm baffled as to how it became to popular.

There's a lot of stuff here I like, but the overwhelming vibe of being against the clock just kills it for me.

Even if that isn't really the case, I can't shake the feeling that I'm being pushed in too many directions at once with lots of micromanagement required and waiting for pointless timers to count down. A shame.

What a perfectly competent but completely unremarkable game.

It almost doesn't need to exist, and I'm sad by how indifferent it all left me.

It's just fine. An ok wee thing. A few hours of Diet Xenoblade.

Nice to see Shulk and Smelly again, but you can hear the age in their voices. The youthful vigour has faded a fair bit. The threat they face never really comes across as a big deal despite what it is, and resolves far too easily. The makeup of this new world feels different and similar in awkward ways. All in it's a bit Xeno by numbers.

Kino and the ponspectors stole the show for me. Should've just been him on a wee adventure with them.

"We measure! Find treasure! Ponspectors 'til we die!"

Replayed for the first time since launch as part of all the Alan Wake streams I've been doing in the leadup to 2.

Been great going through all the surrounding lore with folk in chat. Wakeheads rise up etc.

Managed to stay in the dark on this and was so happy to see who it stars.

I've come to realise that Dead Space is a series about the ultimate wife guys.

Just a massive disappointment for me. Felt like all the wee things I don't like about the series got squashed together and turned up to 11. I am so happy to be free of it, and that makes me pretty sad.

Maybe the DLC will be good.

There was a bad bit with a camera, a good bit with a TV, and I got cat ears.

Nobody else does it like Nigoro.


There's a great demanding rhythm game here that I simply am not fit for.

My brain isnae wired for this kinda thing. I like being told what to hit and when. It feels like a game that's definitely gonnae be more enjoyable for actual drummers. Luckily, it's quite forigving, so even when I felt overwhelmed and had to resort back to the basic fills I could remember, I was still able to progress.

Daft wee alien story with some nice Toshinao Aoki artwork.

Weirdly bare bones compared to what I was expecting. There just isn't enough there to justify 40 levels. Found myself just going on auto-pilot for most of it until I hit a boss fight.

I've never eaten my words faster. Going from the reveal trailer that had me cringing and reluctantly talking about maybe giving it a go, to falling in love almost immediately.

Good fun jank nonsense.

Little Shit Simulator.