I love it. I'm fully into this world. But fuck me it felt like I got two questions answered, and twenty more cropped up in their place.

Hopeful for a third entry at some point, or even just DLC in the same vein as the first game because it cannae just be left here.

Just a solid auld JRPG with a theme that still for some reason almost brings me to tears to this day.

What a solid follow up to the first game. They're just crackin' metroidvanias with tight controls and some of the most gorgeous environments you'll see in the medium. The things these folk do with 2D masquerading as 3D blows me away. Proper living worlds, with lovely wee characters.

Cannae wait to see what Moon Studios put out next.

I started out really enjoying this, but it gradually just began to grate on me to the point where the thought of booting it up each time felt like effort. After the sixth dungeon I was extremely ready for it to end, and googling to find I had three or four more to go just sucked what little wind I had left from my sails.

A fine game. Just feels far too long for what it is.

Feels half-finished.

Rotten platforming and checkpoints. Floaty messy combat that often feels like you hit the enemy by pure chance. Long parts with just no music, and even when it does kick in it's so detached and basic that you barely notice it.

Big hollow game.

Still good fun all these years later. The satisfaction of pipe justice has not dulled with time.

Impressively boring for a game about smashing vehicles into each other. Everything I drove handled like shit, and the sound design felt so flat.

I misunderstood what kinda game it was gonna be. Realised it was mostly VN, then bowed out when I met the characters I need to "train" and it was just annoying weans that look like yer wee brother's OCs, and one had the big tits as per.

The closest anything's been to Tenchu for some time, but a lot still feels stuck in the same place as Tenchu Z, a game that released six years prior.

A strange wee thing. Plays like Myst, has FMV cutscenes, and was only released in Japan despite most of it being in English.

There's something cosy about it that's hard to put my finger on. Warm cutscenes with a kind auld man describing these tomes, and puzzles that aren't really difficult make it not feel like a slog to navigate the island. Also helps that you could get through it in a few hours easily. I feel like the presentation does a lot of the lifting, which was enough to keep me interested throughout.

I had a decent time despite all the patter I'd heard about ARR. My shit brain doesn't even know where to begin talking aboot an MMO, so I'll leave it there, for I am now heading Heavensward!