February, 2024


Decided to take on the 25 wave challenge... god damn, it was much harder than I thought, and it lasted WAY longer than I though.

Travis' war on hostile alien monsters is making him look more and more like a mantis shrimp with a laser saber.

Was going do fight FU, but honestly, that mission alone (through a total of 3 tries) took me an hour already with not much time left before IRL needs to pull me away.


Short session. Did a bunch of Gacha and unlocked about... 30% of the figures. Then I did a 10 wave Defense Mission. Unlocked the 25 wave Defense Mission. I might go do that one before I go after FU...


Found the last of Jeanne's kids. Found the last DEATHMAN card. Found the remaining Dopplegangers, Found the last few trees (I feel stupid about THAT particular one, cause they were clustered together near the entrance of THUNDERDOME). Grabbed a few Gacha. Aside from figures and mod chips, I've collected everything I wanted.

Finally paid for the final title match with FU, and now I'm ready to face off against the Final Boss. I'm comin' fer yer head, FU!


Did a bunch of cleanup. Did the Designated Matches. Found the remaining Death Scorpion. Found another Jeanne Kitty. Planted a few more Trees. Found a few more Dopplegangers. I need one more DEATHMAN card, one more Jeanne Kitty, and three more tree locations to plant, and then all my collecting is done.

Also, completed the AI Adventure side quest.


On Rank 1 now. Decided to try out the "DEATHMAN" bonus game that just unlocked due to certain events. Quite an interesting little slice of psudo-80s retro beat-em-up. I honestly thought it was just a little gimmick for the intro (and one other spot). Didn't expect an actual full game (though, it's only 4 stages long, and loops after you beat the boss).

After that, I fought Black Hole on DEATH difficulty. Died from a stray hit, but got lucky with a Jeanne roulette, got back up, and pwned him.


And here I thought I'd be fighting FU, but it looks like good ol' Henry Cooldown had a bone to pick with Travis. Careless behavior got him killed in the fight, but a round two sort Henry out... However...

Turns out, Henry pulled a little magic trick and he's a bitch, so Travis died for real and isekai'd to DEATHWORLD, and met DEATHMAN... only to get punched back into his own world in a coffin, resurrected.

Damn, what a way to meet your favorite director, reunite with your friends, and steel your resolve against FU.


Finally started the social simming again. Gained a few more Social Links ranks in a few characters and completed some more quests. Currently sitting at 6/17, Nighttime.


Did a little more 'splorin'. Completed more jobs. Tried the basement, but got flattened by Floor B3, due to being all alone at the moment. I might jump back into the Day-to-Day shenanigans soon, since I can't do much more beyond what's already done.


Yup, I did it again. Inspired to jump back into a game I haven't played in a while. I've already beaten it, but I've left it at a NG+ run at the in game date of 6/13, so still relatively early. Looks like I was in the middle of doing some early game quests and bonking quest shadows with my "Corpse Rod" (which I affectionately call my Midnight Stick).

So, decided to do just that. Wandered Tartarus, and started completing quests.


Came back after a long time. Had to get used to how the combat worked in the game, but it didn't take very long. Entered the Rank 4 match and fought Destroyman and his clones.

After that, I planted some Death Trees, destroyed the remaining Tikis, caught a scorpion, and did the next rank fight against Sonic Juice... wait, that's Rank 2.

Oh Dear, looks like FU is at it again...


Alright, so I did a fair bit of running around and picked up as many items I could find, as well as abyss diving (that was nerve wracking, for sure). And then found my way to the Dimensional Rift to confront Chronus...

... oh boy...


Short session. Still doing a "no skill" run so far. Wasn't easy with the Great Spirit of Light posing such a problem. Thankfully, I managed to eek out a win from the glowing bird. But, god DAMN I'm going to have to remember to do some lvl. grinding and job hunting before I challenge another temporal fracture.

Also, turns out the spirit wasn't the divergence catalyst, so it wasn't actually a fracture boss. Gotta keep looking in the alternate timeline, it seems.

January, 2024


Continued the story and jumped into my first Divergence. Having a rough time with the boss. It feels doable, but there's just something I'm seemingly missing.


Cleaned up some more jobs, and finally got around to continuing the story. Chapter 6, I believe. Unlocked the Chromatis, and FINALLY got map fast travel. I missed it so. I mean, the game's locations are small enough that doing a run isn't too bad, but still.


Continued my job grinding into the night. Took care of some difficult low level jobs. Got a few more I need to deal with. Turns out, the food mechanic becomes WAY more valuable when you're rocking up to harder tasks.


Woof, it's been a while since I've played this one. Had to give myself a crash course on how to play the game, and also return to doing some job clearing. Still in early game, I believe, as I last only RECENTLY was able to enter Reize Maxia (if I spelled it correctly), but I didn't want to proceed too far into the story until I was sure I was done critical jobs. Also, I must be working that cat pretty hard. Had him out on item gathering non-stop since I remembered his mechanic.
Decided to just run around the map a bit and collect some things. Got a few fireflies and some extra heart containers. Also, opened up some shortcuts to make travel a little shorter. Only just a little, though.

Went to the dance parlor to get a nice chunk of change too. Gonna buy up one of each item just so I have something in a pinch (or, if it's necessary to use for traversal).

Oh, and I learned the Spider Transformation can climb background walls, not just webs. Specifically walls that are part of platforms in some way.


Completed the Crackle Mound and obtained the Spider Transformation and the Simmer Stone. Didn't figure I'd be doing physics puzzles in a 2D GBC game, lol. Off to the final stone!

Also, I'm beginning to think Risky's show of force in the beginning of the game was to mask how incompetent she actually is. Dangerous, still, but very incompetent.


Cleared the dungeon and gained the next stone. Boss was surprisingly easy once I figured it out. Was told to head eastward past Oasis Town ans seek out the Zombie Caravan, which only appears at night. Raced Rottytops, who gave us access to the Crackle Mound, the next dungeon.

Also bought two more Fighter Gear upgrades. The kickflip is certainly a useful move.

Oh, and I've learned that transforming back to genie form gives you I-frames. Good to know.


Entered the Golem Labyrinth. Interesting idea for a dungeon puzzle, utilizing sky blue and pink as polarity colors, changing enemy behavior depending on what color you are. Also, the map layout as a nifty trick. A single shaft with multiple branches going right and left, with some branches connected to each other above and below. And gained the next transformation: Elephant.

Also, cornering enemies before they attack and repeatedly whipping them is surprisingly fun.

Oh, and I ended up finding a soft lock bug, but thankfully it was very early in my dungeon exploration (endlessly default dancing near a blue polarity fountain). Gonna have to be careful with progress saving while playing further.


Short session. Made it to Oasis Town. I'm starting to have more fun with the game as it goes along. Controls are starting to settle with me. The charm of the game itself is starting to click with me. Honestly saying, if this is the weakest entry in the series, then I'm in for a good time.


Completed Dribble Fountain. Gained the Monkey transformation and nabbed the Water Stone. Now I'm off to Oasis Town for my next quest.

Also learned, as evil as she is, Risky might be a moron and in WAY over her head.


Started exploring Dribble Fountain. I gotta say, some genuinely cool gameplay ideas and enemies here. Though, now I'm at a bit of a head scratcher of a puzzle, where one of the turn-dials busts off, and there's no clue as to what the turn dial code needs to be.


Made it to Water Town and talked to Bolo, then backtracked to the fountain. Started the dungeon... but accidentally fell into a bottomless pit, and have to restart back in Water Town. I gotta learn to be more patient in this game.



Decided to just go for broke and enter the final battle.

God damn, is the new final boss a major step up, but also a much more complicated affair than last time.

And with that, Sonic Frontiers is done. I mean, I CAN do more, but I'll save that when I feel like revisiting the game.



FINALLY! I beat King Master Coco's Trial. GOD DAMN is the Wyvern fight a god damn ring check. It WILL waste rings in the fight, and even more if you're not careful. But, I finally got the golden run where phase one was dealt with quickly and phase two had me combo-parry out of situations so I could keep beating ass. I learned the bastard has a third counter attack if you don't go for the throw and parry him again when he does a tail whip. It was so sudden, I couldn't protect against it properly. But, he went down quick enough, making the Knight fight practically a cakewalk.

Now that it's done, I'm free to play as all four characters at my leisure, clean up any mini-puzzles left behind, and proceed to the secondary ending at my discretion.


Started playing the series today, beginning with this one. Quite an interesting experience, I must say. Gonna stick through to the end for sure, before I start tackling later entries.

Might take a while to get through, which is fine by me.

Did the intro and now have access to Scuttle Town (the hub) and dabbled with the available shops. Even managed to do some night dancing for a nice profit. Explored outside the town a bit, mostly into the forest full of spiders and strange flying gargoyles. Learning how to dash effectively.



After beating Odin Sphere, I decided to finally dive into this game to see what it's all about. I can tell it's going to be a fairly fun ride.

Playing a True Steel Fighter. Lvl. 6. Gained Two NPC companions (can probably get more with the bones I collected so far). Visited the second dungeon and caught a thief.



Game complete! I finished the third run, and walked the True Path for the Golden Ending. What a ride this game was. Had to take a few lengthy breaks between weeks, even before starting up this account, but I knew I'd always come back to this. Hell, I might just go for an Xtra New Game run in the future on a harder difficulty... or maybe just the regular Hard setting that I had it on prior. I guess I'll see.

I will review this game sometime soon.



Completed the first Armageddon run and got the bad/generic ends for both the Cauldron and Laventhan, and managed to finish a second one AND start a third. It's down to the wire now, and after I finish the third run, I'll (likely) take the true path and end my first playthrough of the game.