36 Reviews liked by NilkadNaquada

This dang fitness game is way better than it has any right to be...
After 6 months of playing it, I finally finished my first playthrough of Adventure Mode yesterday. 65+ hours of in-game time which equates to about 30 hours of fitness time since the clock only runs while you're moving. Stop running to take a drink, clock stops. Stop mid-set, clock stops. A full hour-long workout would usually equate to about 30ish minutes of "fitness time".
I would usually play about 3-4 days a week on average. Sometimes I'd slack for a couple weeks. Sometimes my sessions were only 20 minutes.
My wife and I are both typically not very motivated to work out, but this got both of us to finally make a better habit of it.

This game somehow manages to balance interesting, simple JRPG mechanics with various fitness activities that actually give you a good workout and will leave you sore the next day if you overdo it.
There's a leveling system, skill tree, gear with perks, consumables to make. There's more to this game than I ever thought there would be.

Even though I'm done with the main "story", I'm excited to dive back in to finish up side quests, complete my catalog, and keep working out.
I still have a couple more side quests to clean up before moving on to New Game+ and then eventually New Game++.

There's also Quick Play and Custom modes so you can create your own workouts if you don't feel like spending the time doing Adventure Mode.
So, if you want to just do an arms workout for 20 minutes, you can do that. If you want to just run for 30 minutes, you can do that too.
I've already sold 4 other friends on this game and they're all now happily hooked on it.

We love a gimmick controller but dear god I wish I could turn off the calorie counter. Tons of fun till I get hit in the face with stuff that triggers disordered eating.

This game really surprised me. Typically when I think of NES games it's either series that I know to expect something of because they're still around (Super Mario Bros, Metroid, The Legend of Zelda) while most of the others have ideals that translated poorly from the era of arcades.

Mighy Bomb Jack however is incredibly intricate in its design. You play as a guy traversing a pyramid to save a royal family. The guy can jump real high but if you hit the jump button repeatedly you can slow your fall to a glide OR you can hold down and jump again to drop quickly.

The game is divided into 16 action stages and 16 royal palace rooms. After every side scrolling action room you end up in a palace room which is just one screen. The things you collect in the game are bombs and in a palace room you have a bunch of bombs but one is lit. If you merely collect all the bombs however you can you get a Save and move onto the next action stage. However! If you collect the bombs in a palace room avoiding the lit one until last, you get a Warp which let's you bypass the next action stage and go to the next palace room. This is a gamble though because while you can keep doing this and skipping action stages drastically shortening the game you can also die during it which sends you back to the first room you started warping from.

There's also like secret passages to find and power ups. There's a torture room the game sends you to if you get too greedy and gain too many power ups or you extend your time too much. There's even multiple endings based on if you find certain secrets.

In my brief time playing the game I was able to gamble all the way to the end and save the King but that was all. I wasn't able to save the Queen or Princess because I warped past the levels containing the secret items necessary to gain access to the other royal family member rooms. It just makes me want to play even more to get the best ending.

So yeah the game can be pretty challenging but its also vast in ideas and there's enough here to warrant several playthroughs. There's not much of a story but that's expected for a game of this era. Definitely worth playing if you can handle a challenge.

Now I liked this one more than the first two games. Idk how they went from basic platforming to a full on shoot em up but it's more fun than I expected. There are also a decent amount of enemy variants so there's actually incentive to push into later rounds beyond getting a high score.

This game is amazing! It’s not a miracle weight loss by any means, but it got me exercising at home. There are times where it’s helped me lose weight and some times where I’ve maintained weight, but it’s gotten me into exercise which I’m proud of. Maybe it’ll even get me to a gym someday. What’s amazing is the customization, encouragement and how beefy this game is. Like seriously there is a ton you can do. I’m 60 hours in and just taking my time with it so I haven’t even finished the story mode yet. One of the most helpful games I’ve ever owned

The dev was down bad and so am I