61 reviews liked by Nisebi

selling schizophrenia as an aesthetic is WILD

The same psychosis shtick to commodify mental illness but the rocks are shinier now in UE5 <3

Being addressed only by my racing number constantly is giving Agent 47 lmao

This is genuinely the most fun I've had with a racing game in a while. The bar for progression and story in the racing genre is admittedly pretty low, but here they were the highlights of the experience for me. The career mode story was entertaining, the mix of live-action and CGI cutscenes was innovative, and the office style mockumentary had me chuckling throughout.

The simcade handling model is one of the best among EA's racing games. I hope NFS moves in this direction instead of doubling down on the drift-heavy gameplay. Docking half a star because multiplayer is a mess and you can't create custom races without opening an online lobby for some reason.

Regardless, this is a massively underrated series, and I enjoyed it FAR more than Forza Motorsport.

Comparing to the first entry, the sudden unexplained shift in tone towards horror in Kona 2 was a bit jarring, which unfortunately failed to engage me in its plot. The intentional obscurity in both lore and gameplay aimed for an eerie ambiance but resulted in a confusing mess. The addition of more action oriented combat felt unnecessary and out of place, disrupting the original game's immersive exploration-focused experience. I found myself missing the more methodical pace of its predecessor, where the emphasis on exploration and atmosphere was far more effective. While I appreciate the devs attempting to innovate, it felt like a misstep in the game's overall direction.



would have rated this higher if the story had more emotional resonance, but it’s a charming game regardless, especially the well curated quebecois vibes

i can't lie, i didn't have the best impression of the past lara croft games, but this one really won me over. the environment is immersive and well-crafted, the action scenes are exciting and cinematic, and it's consistently good throughout, front to back. the story is pretty light and can be a bit nonsensical. i still find it funny that in the midst of an ongoing kidnapping sacrificial ritual, lara keeps getting distracted by shiny trinkets like, "oh, a vase!" like girl sam is going to die 😭😭

This is one of the most visually stunning video games I've ever experienced. It's not an exaggeration to say the graphics are BREATHTAKING, especially the underwater scenes. I think I gagged a couple times because of the camera framing, every detail feels meticulously crafted and I love it so much. While the ending might not quite match the scope of the trilogy's climax, it doesn't detract from this being my favorite installment overall.

i have a (completely baseless) hunch that if you like this game you are either 8 or 50 there’s no in between

i only dabble in FPS but i can appreciate that this is one of the franchises that really delivers stellar campaigns and interesting maps, the antithesis of what the genre is heading towards in 2024

crackdown 3 is like if someone drew cyberpunk 2077 from memory and the protagonist is the oompa loompa from the glasgow willy wonka experience