
The central mystery and basically mythology much like the last game is often profound and brilliant. However, the story in everything that word entails is the worst thing you’ve ever seen. Whereas the first game could be forgiven due to its ambition and clean worldbuilding concepts this game attempts detail and specificity and it's really just a failed attempt at nuance ruining what made the first game tolerable.
The gameplay is expanded without any really new great ideas but it's irrelevant in the face of all else I've spoken of. An utterly unimpressive and unnecessary sequel.


Whilst aesthetically far from perfect, although certain sections are great and a story that could dry a mist there is so much fun to be had in this game. So many different cool mechanics and so many different vibrant settings, if have a good enough friend with you it's all just an absolute delight. Not to mention the greatest theming in video games using all its mechanics as metaphors for its contentions even if they're unsophisticated.


The foundation for all adventure, structure, is weak enough here to collapse the mountain. The narrative spends an incredible amount of time in the hotel which was a poor story arc and the bounce back with the unification of her other self was rushed and unsatisfyingly concluded. The game because of this mess felt too short and unrealised.
The specific platforming mechanics were cool but not exactly great. During playtime, I quite enjoyed them because I thought they would be a part of many more. This wasn't the case as the game was shorter than I expected and so lacked a complete experience being so limited. Still quite good fun though.
The story's theme is of modern mental health that misses the soul in the individual for its autonomy.


The puzzles were nice and good and whilst the gameplay was very smooth dn satisfying there weren't many great 'levels' if any. We resorted to hit-and-hide tactics because it was made to be done in no other way it seems on the hardest difficulty and wasn't very satisfying to complete only a patient relief.
The writing is mature and well-crafted but really shallow. It felt like an incredibly forced character arc and the turning points even more so and given the stakes of the gameplay felt hilariously misplaced. But appreciable nonetheless and the liberal extremism of conservative genocide gave me a good laugh for how bubbled progressives have become.


This is so bad in every facet of its attempt at anything. The main quest was the most contrived story until New Eden where it found itself ascending to the realm of bewildering which is a special experience of witnessing incomparable incompetence. None of the weapons was much fun except for the bow and the map was open for nothing and no one with repetitive tasks. Providence or whatever Hombase is called had great potential but was limited in its vision and the rest of the game was limited in its ideas.


I am reviewing this about a year after playing and given how unmemorable it was this is proving a most difficult task. And you know what. I have nothing. This was quite bad though.



The aesthetic combines perfect black/white visuals with a symbolic myth that I find works really well only it didn't do nearly as much as it could've with it. The game was going well on most levels except I didn't like the open area fauna fighting but then seemed to abruptly end. It didn't build up or take any majorly interesting turn from the begging. A game with great ideas, fair execution and entirely missed opportunities.


The atmosphere and setting at times are quite lovely and the narrative conclusion is beautiful. But, that's the best I can give this. The worldbuilding is weak in execution with its concept being ancient and epic in a condensed way that's really unique to see but both the setting and beasts were not cool enough to bring that power to life. Gameplay-wise, all that needs to be said is that Trico is the most uncooperative friend I've ever had, which funnily destroys themes that were one of this game's few strengths.


Directing is dickless. Every cutscene cut, shot, character interaction and even all emotional expression is beyond awful in every way conceivable. Who let them do that? What even is this to have so much money poured into? Why did I finish it then? Who am I? The only thing worse than this game is me and I was forced to spam through three extra bosses with aimless combat for some bullshit royalty which really has nothing to do with anything except my frustrations. Won’t buy again.


Technically visually gorgeous and the worldbuilding is conceptually interesting to meet its themes but the environments weren't well realised enough to immerse in any world. But, the focus should be on the character designs and characterisation which seem to cater to an adolescent weeb's wet dream.


The setting is well realised and the atmosphere beautiful. There's a solemn serenity to the desolate zombie towns filled until the night that was genuinely scary. The combat and parkour are incredibly fun with smooth gameplay and a wonderfully interactive world. The narrative, however, takes cliche to places she's never heard of which honestly just makes it better because it's the kind of bad that's hilariously so.


This game seems like a combination of beautiful ideas by amateur creators. The aesthetic and world is gorgeous but most of the map doesn't encourage you to stay around and explore. The mystery was engaging and the critique of rationalism was well done but the plotting and screenplay was atrocious. And, finally, the combat was the best I've played. Both attack options and enemy diversity gives you so much to approach from and every battle is a different one. If only the main story gave unique and similarly interesting boss fights instead of reusing them and that one plain machine. So much done so well and yet so much done awfully. I don't think I've seen such a contrast anywhere else.


God of War is ambitious in its epic scope delivering nuts of pure adrenaline and hype but fails where it so desperately needs to succeed. The meandering structure ruins the adventure and drags down this otherwise great game. There also could have been more enemy variation, less annoying blacksmiths and more interesting characters for boss fights- but the last point doesn't stand if the next game delivers on the set-up. But the core of the game and what stands out the most is the character writing between the main duo which builds so much on previous games whilst also enjoying a great dynamic of mature and moving themes that play so well off the rest of the games'- nothing short of phenomenal.


The Last of Us has an atmosphere striking and strikingly so considering its medium is built on the thing. Wild grass on the concrete infrastructure of the modern world creates a beautiful dichotomy much like the dynamic between Joel and Ellie. These are the peaks of this game and peaks of fiction at large. Beyond that is repetitive gameplay and sections almost unbearable because of it.