did not expect to enjoy it this much
very funny and heartfelt game

visualy game really spoke to me
but everything else - didn't

i dropped it at the end, because while everything in the path towards ending was mildly frustrating, the final stage - was insufferable
it culminated into lump of annoyance, i had to drop it

i just couldn't shake the vibe that the author was inspired by other games (understandable), and tried to replicate feelings that those games gave them

but there's always a but

in my opinion - which is of course subjective - they didn't fully understood what made writing in those games actually interesting and not just """weird"""
author probably had inspiration and cool gameplay idea, but when it came to execution - well they didn't exactly fail, but every second i felt that game was lacking something:
the "cooking" part is fine if a little janky (which is fine), but when its gets difficult the jank for me just brakes it
the fact that you need to listen dialogues in order to progress was fine at the start, but then i realized that they are basically filler dialogues, a little random and about nothing in particular
im glad that for some people they sounded interesting and meaningful but you can find meaning even in your boogers (which is also fine, its just not what i wanna do)

so yeah, that was my little #rant
also, i dont know this for sure, but looking at the rating it feels like a lot of people found this game through some "video essay", so i wanna finish off with this - i am again genuinely glad that people play games like this and they find something in them, but i am a little sad that games that IN MY OPINION deserve same amount of love - dont get it, for whatever fk reason

why yall hatin 😭
it’s just a better csgo


insane that there is no review's here
I was literally addicted to this game as a kid

if it weren't for piss play and SA, it would've been 10/10 game

also, please @me if translation ever appears

The more I play these "underground avant-garde arthouse indie games", the more I earn for something down to earth, something more mundane and human, and not "little creepy girls saying cliche things with bad pacing"
probably what happened here is - my ability to analyze media is just not good enough, because I understood nothing (spoilers I guess: The meat? the greenery? the idea of becoming a part of something bigger and be at peace with death? it all probably connected somehow, but I have no idea)
it all felt rushed, and almost like author didn't really understood what they were trying to say? that is, if, they were trying saying anything

The writing is cliche and too crude with the way it was trying to convey its themes, the game is badly paced, art is amazing and im dumb, I don't know
I don't like shitting on small indie devs, but the only good thing I've found about this game is aesthetic, and personally for me, that just not enough

did not expect this game to be THIS annoying

how can you have a bunch of cool ideas and strong sense of identity and style, and then ruin it by uninspired level design and dumbest enemy placement (i.e just throwing every single enemy in the small cramped room without thinking)
i wish i liked it more

(btw, game doesn't tell you this, but when you dead, you can press "T" for instant respawn for free)

its Xenus 1*
it was my second immersive sim