“ubisoftofication” of the gaming industry was a disaster for human race

millennial writing, but overall really fun game. soundtrack slaps

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that podcast at the end was really fun, listened to the whole thing

i hate that for years all i heard about this game was that its “just kinda mid”

a little janky, some jokes can fall flat
but it’s obviously made with passion, and its fun

tl:dr play only with gamepass, DO NOT buy this game

impeccable level of quality, every button press feels just right (if that make sense), same as visuals. really, its a great game, that no one should buy
1. game is always online, if that's not a red flag for you, then here's an example of why it is:
so when I was playing, my gf was connected to the same wifi as console, and when she was wachting YouTube, guess what happend? huge input lag, making game barely playable. you can say its a problem specific the me, but even if its true, its still insane to me that fucking YouTube can ruin my single player campaign (yeah I know, because its not single player)
2. at some point in your lifetime, servers will shutdown, and I doubt that blizzard gonna do anything about it, so you don't really buy a piece of software as much as you buy an access to the server/ticket to a theme park

if we as a GaMiNg CoMmuNiTy keep giving them money for stuff like this, itll never go away, its just gonna get worse

also story was boring as hell, cutscenes were amazing

greatest final boss fight ever

i don’t like talking about videogames like they are new iphone, but
great storytelling, performance, vfx/sfx
questionable level design, bad fighting mechanics
honestly, this game is very annoying to play, but great to watch
it should have been a netflix animated movie

why yall hatin 😭
it’s just a better csgo

finally, a nintendo game that feels like it was made with passion by pros, and not a cash grab from old and out of touch people

insanely fun

did not expect to enjoy it this much
very funny and heartfelt game

did not expect this game to be THIS annoying

i need to bathe in bleach after this

• you cant ctrl+c ctrl+v 1-2 rooms for entire level because >like King's field
• the combat is "press S and MB1"
• i would say that at least one good thing that it has going for it is the atmosphere, but even that is ruined by "cute demon anime girl ^_^"

i get what it was going for, and tried, i really did - i even opened most of the levels - but i cant bring myself to finish this
i get what it was going for - but i dont get it on the emotional level, if that make sense