This game really sucks why do I find myself returning to it? It’s probably just a cope that a bad 3D Mario game exists.

Very fun and high quality 3D platformer

Bring us back some local snacks ya hear?

OST goes crazyyyy and is just more Genesis sonic greatness.


walking simulator through an art piece disguised as a video game. The game's art style is cool and the music is good. But it is indeed very boring to play. 1.5 ★

I really don't like realistic driving simulators but I tried this game out and was no different. Not to mention all the stuff that happened where they had to compensate players for their garbage servers. I didn't play with all the hundreds of dollars of addons in the form of a steering wheel and VR but this game from what I played was zzzzzzzzzzz.

This game is super fun and is packed to the brim with seemingly endless amounts of creative levels to play. I remember this game fondly because I nearly 100% when Covid was pretty fresh so this got me through some hard times. Was so pleasantly surprised with this such a truly fantastic game. I feel like replaying it just writing this review. 4.5 ★

I adore this game. You won't regret playing it the game is goofy as hell but a tonnn of great fun. 4 ★

This game was pretty damn dope. Was a blast to play. Nothing mindblowing or incredible but definitely worth playing.

unironically my favorite Rockstar game and a game I turn on and have mindless comforting fun when I don't feel like playing anything. This game is loaded with funny glitches which only enhance the experience. Racing is really fun and engaging with tons of customization and cars. 3.5 ★

pretty damn fun defense game. I'll definitely return and complete it at some point. 3.5 ★

Massively overrated game. It's artsy fartsy, but the game itself is very shallow and not all that fun to play. It's very pretty but I don't understand how that constitutes a masterpiece when the gameplay is very one note. Also wow is this short. This might be one of my hottest takes but if a game is not fun to play and isn't great on those merits, then it's not a great game. It doesn't even have deep themes and story to me. meh. 2 ★

Most played game of all time for me, at least about 1000+ hours. And that's for a good reason. This is the game that brought me back into gaming, and I love it dearly for that. Still the most hype reveals, the speculation for years, the genuinely absurd amount of great content in this. This very well may be my favorite game of all time, just for the amount I played it and for the reason as to why I discovered my love for this medium again. Thank you Smash Bros Ultimate. 5 ★