mid and nondescript battle royale game that I fell off of within days.

Despite the very cringe and annoying constant crossovers and stuffing every trend into this game as possible, the core battle royale mode (no build) is a good amount of fun. It's still really dumb how there's OP weapons and vehicles that make the fact that it's supposed to be a mode focused on pure skill with guns pointless. I'm not reviewing save the world since I never played it, even though they said it would be free years ago. And If I was reviewing normal build battle royale, this would be a two star max.

Played this a ton when the online wasn't terrible like how it was to Splatoon 2's launch and when I wasn't tired of the core turf wars gameplay loop. Basically the same game as 3. Salmon Run was great and turf war was very fun.

I wasn't really digging it my first hour of the game. I thought it was a game that's treading water and I did not like the combat really at all. But after pushing through, I find that this is a very solid indie game with a lot of charm and a great story. I also warmed up to the gameplay once more types of ammunition were introduced to prevent it from being stale and when I finally learned the movement. The pixel art is well done and stands out to me. I actually was pleasantly surprised by this games story and characters as I could not be bothered to care with that first negative hour. And man for 15 bucks this is a must buy for the quality. I was expecting to be way shorter than it was. There's a decent amount of content in a game like this that's priced that low. There were some moments during boss fights where I was frustrated, but that turned into satisfaction once I would learn the boss and finally beat it. The boss fights were all around very fun. There was a part where I went to a part of the game to grind for more cogs which you can use for powering up your gunbrella, and I got soft locked. Luckily, I went to the devs twitter where they already released a patch. I tweeted them with when the switch version would launch even though it was out and I didn't see it lol. They hit me back very quickly and were very nice. And sure enough, I closed the game and there the patch was to take me back to where I needed to be. Shout out to Doinksoft. Yeah definitely check this out.

nostalgia aside, this game is awful LOL

kind of fun to play with another person once then you've seen and done everything the game has to offer gameplay wise pretty much. It's one note and lacks replayability

I did not like this at all lol

sorry everyone but I just don't find monkey ball gameplay really all that fun...

exactly what I think of the first game but Sonic is in this one lol

this could be a skill issue, but I really didn't care for this at all. I was stuck on the first mission and constantly redoing the tedious tasks to get to the part where I kept dying was really boring. In general even if I continued I don't think this game would've won me over.

the games are a fair bit of fun, and then you play them more than like twice. Then you realise how one dimensional and kinda unfair it is due to the ai at points.

I played this a decent amount on Dolphin, and yeah it's Soul Calibur alright. Just without the bells and whistles presentation wise along with the weaker roster. Also you can't create characters in this which is half the charm and appeal of the later games imo.

I really should return to this especially now that the next-gen version is out. But from the ten hours I played, it was solid but I really didn't see the greatness in it as others.

It's neat from the handful of hours or so I played but I wasn't blown away by the gameplay really. It does look gorgeous as well for sure. I just don't know if I'd return to it at this point.