5 reviews liked by Nubert

This game is an absolute joy! I had a blast exploring and experimenting with how to capture bugsnax. The challenges were fun, and while the platforming got janky at times, nothing in this game was too frustrating. The game was perfectly paced and I loved every moment of it!

Possibly one of the most self-indulgent, yet totally deserved 'remasters' of recent times. The Stanley Parable's legacy is massive, and Crows Crows Crows know it, with this Ultra Deluxe edition often treading the line between satirising (somehow further than usual), sharp comedy, melancholic introspection and heartfelt wholesomeness. Thankfully, this line treading is way more successful more often than it isn't. A new player may be forgiven for not indulging the dev team in its approach to self-awareness, but that would be missing the point to be honest. 10 years may have passed since the original, yet there are still few games that have managed to drive the industry forward as significantly as TSP did in 2013, however many have tried - some more shamelessly inspired than others. So even if you never played the original, back in 2013 or up until now, the chances are you have had heard of it, and have some knowledge going in - otherwise, you may have difficulty following along without some context first. For people like myself, it is worth every moment. In an industry as young as gaming still is, games like this will be looked back on like film buffs look back on the most essential movies of all time. Stanley is essential because it asked what a game could be and could do, and alongside some of the 'first wave' of the 'Golden Indie era' - games like Gone Home, Braid, Fez, Hotline Miami, and more - shook things up and paved the way for the 'Indiepocalypse' that followed. Because of all this, Stanley is still as fresh now as it was nearly 10 years ago, and I know I will continue to play it every few years. For new players, go in with an open mind, I hope you find it as engaging, fascinating, intriguing and essential as I still do.