Life After Japan Studio

A list of games available from former staff & studios that worked with Sony's Japan Studio.

Armed Fantasia: To the End of the Wilderness
Armed Fantasia: To the End of the Wilderness
Wild Arms
Siren/Gravity Rush
Penny Blood
Penny Blood
Shadow Hearts
Ultimate Swing Golf
Ultimate Swing Golf
Everybody's Golf
Soul Covenant
Soul Covenant
Soul Sacrifice/Soul Sacrifice Delta
Easy Come Easy Golf
Easy Come Easy Golf
Everybody's Golf


Where is Elden Ring???????????????

1 month ago

Honestly it's still crazy Sony closed down the studio. I know they weren't selling as well as the other studios but I don't think they were losing money that badly. They really should have been kept around to at least add some variety to Sony's game line up. Even if the goal isn't variety just having another studio be able to produce games is pretty valuable right now considering how long game development time is now.

1 month ago

@Kaiji97 It was always my assumption that, while Japan Studio's games rarely if ever sold gangbusters, they helped foster such a broad variety of cult titles tied to the Playstation brand identity that they were excellent 'system sellers'. Personally speaking, I initially wanted a PSP purely for Locoroco lol.

1 month ago

@BeachEpisode You are 100% correct. And I don't think they even sold that badly. Patapon has 3 entries in the PSP, Ape Escape has a lot of games, Shadow of the Colossus got a remake, Siren got 2 and a reboot.
Maybe it was because the Vita didn't do well but even Knack got 2 games.
Fumito Ueda's next game can't even be included here because it hasn't been announced yet ;_;

1 month ago

Damn such a good list. Japan Studio were some of the most talented folks Sony had and you can tell they regret letting them go already. Glad to see a Patapon successor, hope to one day see an Ape Escape successor.

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