The icy controls make the first act damn near impossible. THE FIRST ACT

I literally just bought this game. How the hell did you guys get it before release

An absolute love letter to the franchise in every single meaningful way.

I would also like to thank Charles Martinet; the original voice for Mario; for being the main voice of my childhood. I’ve been playing video games since I was 3 years old, and 14 years later, I’m still a massive video game fan myself, and the Mario franchise was the franchise that REALLY got me into it. I love this franchise with all of my heart, and this game did a great job of capturing the magic that makes Mario games special. I mean, it is in the name “Super Mario Bros: WONDER” as in wonderful. I would also like to congratulate Kevin Afghani for being the new voice of Mario going forward, the role of Mario was very likely not an easy one to get, and while nothing will ever replace Charles, Kevin does a great job voicing both Mario and Luigi, and I’m interested to see how he does Wario and Waluigi the next time a spin-off game comes around.

We’ll miss you Charles Martinet

Haven’t actually played the game, but considering some parts of this game I’ve seen on YouTube and the fact that Spike brought back my least favorite character from THH and that they completely changed up the gameplay, I think I’m just gonna keep my distance, thank you very much.

This game is smarter then it has any right to be.

Absolutely iconic and a near perfect triumph

Call Phoenix Wright if you’re not guilty.
Call Saul Goodman if you’re guilty.

🎶No motive, no crime.🎶
🎶No motive, no crime. No motive, no crime.🎶
🎶Sing it with me.. I remember, when we used to search...🎶
🎶 in the Channeling Room in Kurain...🎶
🎶Good cases we have, good cases we've lost... Along the way...🎶
🎶Every case is gonna be air tight... Every case is gonna be air tight...🎶

A solid puzzle game with the coolest gameplay concept i’ve ever seen. The story is admittedly paper-thin and the sequel is leagues better then it

Basically the original game but with several major quality of life improvements and (in my opinion) has better and balanced gameplay.

Also Mario in this game is the ultimate scrunkly

A disappointing travesty that was so rushed that Daisy (of all characters) was missing in the first version of the game. How dare this game come out on my birthday.

I’m never going to play this game ever in my life, but Jesus Fucking Christ that’s no excuse to dox the creator, holy shit what the fuck is wrong with you