Very good open-world racing game with pretty town to explore and huge amount of stuff to do. At the end of the game you are asked to do some extreme grinding of races in order to be able to make progress and unlock missions which was boring and sucked hard. Good voice acting & soundtrack.

It's a fun and interesting experimental game where you fly in the wind waking up the nature from it's sleep. Relaxing ambient music plays in the background. It's an experience that may require you to be in specific mindset to be fully immersed.

This interactive demo was released over playstation network as a downloadable title. It's not a game but a interactive work of art and that caused lot of confusion at the time and discussion about what can be classified as a game and what not. It cost only a few (your local currency) and was well worth it I think. It drew me in and it was an interesting and surely new experience for most playstation users when it was released in 2008.

This was a team-based online game where you had to feed your queen so she would be too fat and heavy for opposing team to steal & carry away, while at the same time you had to try to steal enemy team's queen. It had character classes and everything. Sounds fun, and it was fun & chaotic. It was somewhat popular too and had a solid playerbase.

During the PS3/360 generation kid's games were not made seriously and were mostly just a cheaply made cash grabs. This game was one of the better ones, with actual good gameplay, story and voice acting.

Very good puzzle game. Nice graphics, sound effects and music. It actually had a story too. Difficulty was somewhat off-putting at first, but after few hours if playing you realize it's not a difficult game at all.

Not the worst Need for Speed game. Had some good time playing it in 2009. It does have highly strange take on driving physics, but it in it's own way it just works. Soundtrack here is better than in any other NFS game. Story is just as repulsive hostile act against player as always.

PS3 port was very nicely done and this was propably the best Diablo-like hack & slash game on PS3 (100 times better than Diablo 3 for sure). Game drew me in, because it was made with love and world of Ancaria had soul and personality. You always found stuff you didn't expect and most of the time NPC's had something absurd & funny to say. Highly underappreciated. I miss this game!

Art style was very nice and platforming & puzzles were ok, but fighting was just a dreadful slog, so boring you feel your head is going to explode. Game ended without proper ending, and if you wanted to experience real ending you had to buy real ending as a overpriced DLC. DLC is called "Epilogue", so they don't even try to hide the fact that they are selling ending of the game separately. Always do your research before buying an Ubisoft product is what I learned from this game.

Main character was just a dull, soulless black hole of nothingness, like in most of JRPG's (why is that?). But all the other characters were fantastic, drawn with beautiful art style. They were distinctive personalities and carried the whole story. Turn-based battle systen was good and I loved the music. Too much grinding and repetition, but otherwise a very good JRPG.

Shatter is still a king of the brick breaker genre. It managed to actually evolve and add a new twist to a genre that's decades old. And overall execution, gameplay, music and effects were just brilliant. It was little light on content, at least on PS3.

Perfectly serviceable puzzle game where you roll and maneuver a rectangular block to exit. It's nothing special, but does what it's set out to do.

This installment is perfectly adequate and does what you'd expect, but that's about all. 5 was better, so the existence of this game feels a bit pointless. It's more of the same but just not as good. Less.

I love you Bomberman and I hope some day we can continue our adventures on a modern game that's worthy of your name, but this was not it. Gameplay was unresponsive and clunky as hell. Even the sound effects were all mushy mush.

It's still a very good game, you don't even have to remaster it, but I'm still waiting for another release, an excuse to complete it for a fourth time. Game industry needs some Lemmings, right now.