Not too long ago, people have shown complete revolt against AI being used in videogames, as it discredits actual artists and even replaces them for the sake of saving money. Now it’s suddenly cool because those artists made games they didn’t like.

Surprising amount of musical themed levels in this one. The children yearn for Rhythm Heaven to come back.

Basically everything I’ve ever wanted from a smooth moves sequel. Jimmy T’s boss microgame can eat a a whole garlic clove though

After some months thinking, this, tropical freeze and Metroid dread are the holy trio for 2D Nintendo games

I can guarantee you that some of the people who called TOTK “70$ DLC” bought this and or even defended the fact that this is just a reskinned MW2 that will then be ported to a free to play mobile game

The ultimate 8/10 game is now the ultimate 8.5/10 game

Make sure you play and enjoy this one as quick as you can, god knows the Vivian discourse online is gonna be an endless nightmare.

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Is that a fucking callback to hotel dusk

The LGBT community has forgiven DeadF1sh A.K.A Acht