Best game I played for a full Covid month, and will never touch again. Ever again. Nope. Can't regain that knowledge and I'm sure that knowledge is rotten now

"Sometimes, it do be like that" - Kaine

Overall? I loved this game as a kid, but never finished more than Asellus' campaign. This time? I'm gonna do em all (I hope). Thank God they left the Junk store glitch in. They knew. They knew.

#1. T260G. What a boss. Love this robot mechanic. And I liked it how it progressed. Not the deepest story, but a real solid final boss with a banger song. Hell yeah, my sweet Robo

A towering work of ambition, built on the backs of the overworked and underpaid, for the sake of a mirthless narrative and a bottomless corporate hunger.

Glad this makes a small country's GDP worth of profit every year. That's cool, and good.

Honestly? I'm just salty because I think the driving sucks and it feels bad to move or do anything.

Rented this and an N64 from Blockbuster for a weekend in 1996. Core memory there.

Then, we never got a 64! Which is for the best, really. Still, I've beaten this a few times, but for the life of me, I cannot remember which system I did it on. Did I emulate it? Was there a version on GameCube? Was it on Virtual Console? The DS port?