Hasn't aged super well, but the music has! And that's how I could access the feelings this game evoked 30 years ago, with that red mislabeled SNES cart I got from a yard sale for $20 -- if only for a moment.

Y'all are high as hell. I am gonna put this one down until it... feels better on this, a $500 single purpose device.

Poker. In 2004, it was the illicit activity we engaged in across the dorm lounges. It is how I met my closest friends, to this day, and learned to forget that money has value.

Does one finish Balatro? No, but you out it down and wait for it to sprout new leaves. I wait, eagerly and hungrily.

I liked how Yuffie runs! Boy, that was clearly the C team doing level design, though, right? And who are the sudden Kingdom Hearts characters at the end?

If it was a few years ago, maybe I would have been super into this to tide me over. Alas, I am an old man, burdened with the nerd's completionism urge. I had to play this & know, but also, I did it on easy, ignored side quests, and even skipped some cutscenes - including the penultimate death scene.

I feel nothing. Time for Rebirth.

Language! It's weird!

A classic adventure game, this - but so much smoother in the user experience. Lots of time-saving measures that reduce that key interval between knowing the answer and solving the puzzle. Makes you feel so goddamned smart.

I only wish we had 1 or 2 more animations for our main guy. Like what if he sprinted! Or tiptoed! What a little guy for the ages.

Finished in a surprise single sitting. A visual delight and some interesting lore! I found the voiceover irritating at first, but it grew on me - though the forward momentum had me skipping though dialogue. I did not linger on the cat and his chattering.

Because God dang, what puzzles! Nothing too strenuous, but wow - each one, a surprise. Never seen any visuals like that before, and may not again! The visual trick, which evolves with each puzzle and stage, never got old.

The finale sucked though, and I appreciated how it eventually just turns the counter-productive timer off. Thanks.

After realizing the second part of the FF7 Remake was coming out in 6 weeks, I first had a moment of crisis, upon realizing I had not only forgotten about the release date - I also wasn't terribly excited. I imagine my teen self pulverizing my older now, and screaming at the top of his lungs. "I upgraded our CPU to 200mhz and got more RAM to play FF7 at the lowest settings and resolution on the family PC," he cries as he stomps my face into the pavement.

After thinking about that, I remember this game! For the PSP! I played it most of the way through in my 20s but playing it now, I was surprised by every plot point. Not because they were surprising, but because I had zero recollection of anything, until you meet Gackt.

Turns out, this isn't a great game! Glad they remastered it for legacy's sake, for the completionists and PSP cultists. And the combat is acceptable. But the story is fanfiction-esque with a celebrity insert. And they didn't update the VO! It's AWFUL - which is nostalgic, in that it hurts and is old.

Anyways, six hours in, and Gackt's got a wing, so I guess I'll play Intergrade Episode Yuffie, Big Trouble in Little Wutai, instead.

Did this in a rush after playing Advance Wars. It's less good, through having too many units. But hey, still scratches that itch.

Finished the first campaign, and the game finally clicked for me. It's nice and cozy, and hard? But doesn't feel hard? War - it's cute! Looking forward to seeing it in real life.

Proof that fanfiction has meaning and value, and this is a double - for a beloved Italian puppet story and for an wet hat eldritch slasher.

So let's start with the story. I didn't care about the plot - the sequence of events, the moments in which I made decisions, or why/what characters changed. The story though - that's a success. A richly detailed environment with the right drops, the right enemy placement, all tells the story of a city in freefall, in the chaos our young hero enters into. And that tone of wondering, Huh?, and then, Snuh?, matches the excellent standard set by FROM. For me, the implication of story carried this for my first playthrough, like every FROM game.

But the real hook here is the mechanics and feel. Carrying from the story, the stats and progression have enough obfuscation to make it feel strange, and then understood - in that familiar way a FROM game unlocks for you after 10 hours. You're hunting through maps, getting bizarrely titles items of questionable worth and use, and then you find the use. There are QOL changes - the fast travel screen has icons to show when a new thing is happening or has changed - but it has the tone down.

But all of that is nice. It's nice! But would be worthless without the Gamefeel. This game comes as close as you can to nailing a sweet spot between DSIII, Bloodborne, and Sekiro, with movement, attack options, and blocking/parrying. It's a wonderful combination, clearly designed by devs with a schoolboy wish to have all of the styles in one. That being said, I don't feel I ever got the blocking right? But that might come with time, and the game doesn't force it, unlike Sekiro. Heck, I beat the last boss by throwing elemental explosives.

My other complaints are merely preference. I wanted some more optional content, more to explore and discover. This is about as linear as you can be, and a little more variety in locales could've gone a long way. But even then, I don't fault it too much for it.

Yes, this is derivative, but so is all art. Every poet must confront his poetic fathers, and this game absolutely stands tall before FROM. I'm shocked.

The reason I keep my 3DS charged. And why I have a backup battery for the 3DS, just in case they stop making them.

I had this one, and the cover image is as funny now as it was then. It was never not bad, even in 1993

My favorite MM on NES, that I absolutely cannot and will not defend. Do not question me about why I love this game, because I will waffle and try to change the subject rapidly

My favorite Blockbuster rental

Played way way way too much of this, and then proceeded to forget it all. It's like that Raising Hope episode where Jimmy finds out he was a piano prodigy as a kid, but forgot it all.

Oh wait, it's not that he forgot it - it's that he can only play that well when very drunk. Well, same thing for me and this game I guess