Wore its welcome out by the end, mostly due to the slowness of the general experience and also the general experience. Like, even after finishing it, and enjoying the story, I felt like I was missing something by not having a party. And as a result, I was moved, but not as much as if I actually hung out with and used other characters. It's weird.

Still, Square achieved the cinematic aspect in full, at last. Good. Now, move onto mechanics, guys.

Played way way way too much of this, and then proceeded to forget it all. It's like that Raising Hope episode where Jimmy finds out he was a piano prodigy as a kid, but forgot it all.

Oh wait, it's not that he forgot it - it's that he can only play that well when very drunk. Well, same thing for me and this game I guess

Grew to dislike this one. The story fell apart towards the end, or at least lost its edge. Compared to the other mainline SMT games, this felt like fanfiction? And it had the tone down so well, so early. Just couldn't stick the landing.

Finally beat it, after over 15 years. It's good! The original difficulty is stupid, though, and knocking it down a notch is just respecting your own time. Got dicey at some points, but after Strata 3, I was rolling it. Not gonna do the post-game, but hey, glad to finally check this one off.

The most B-tier, Jade Cocoon ass game. I love MonHun so I was a sucker for this.

Y'all are high as hell. I am gonna put this one down until it... feels better on this, a $500 single purpose device.

I really gave this a shot. Really, really. It had been rehabbed. People liked it now. Maybe it would this time?

Nope - made it to Gran Pulse, played about 20 minutes, then spat on it, un-installed, never looking back. This game sucks, the mechanics suck, the visual design sucks, the characters suck, and oh god does the story ever suck. It is as trite and obvious and tedious as the most C-grade anime, but with a budget larger than some universities. I cannot believe people defend this, but also, maybe I just want... Like, anything to cling to? Something here? And there's nothing but slick, metal designs, for no one, and nothing. Dreck, through and through.

Absolute fantastic music, though. It's got that going for it.

Played on the RG353P, mostly at 2x/3x speed. It's alright! But these super-early PS1 games really do still harken to the old school narrative style - you know, vague good vs. evil + god-machine or innocent-minded force + less than 10 words per paragraph box. The effect is an impressionistic story with some really nice spritework. And I loved the combat system - but not enough to suffer it's grinding problems. With speed hacks & grinding spots, I became god. Fitting!

A guilty pleasure, in that I am ashamed of this game, but God, nothing plays like Borderlands.

Bought this at a Circuit City, after 9/11, before playing MGS1. I remember I walked around for like 20 minutes, because I couldn't find the cash register - they put them, like, in each section. Then, I played it in my basement, sometimes in the picture-in-picture, while watching CNN.

I don't have much to add, but that.

It's fine! I skipped the cinematics my first run, then watched em for a second run with another character. Fine! I missed nothing!

Turns out, I like this more than I remember, but less than I hoped. An odd feeling!

Still unsure how the game works. I guess it's like weirder Diablo in how the world is rolled? Anyways, it's tight and plays nice, but feels like it's missing some important THING. Also the world stories are more interesting than the main plot.

I put a lot of time into this, mostly uh (at work), which is great as a turn-based sort of game - play a battle, answer email, roll the truck, answer email. But it is too much of a grind in some ways, and also not snappy enough in others? The RNG of some parts really bothered me, and it's also structured oddly. Not badly! but oddly, in a way that I never felt a deeper pull.

Then again, it played like dirt on the Steam Deck at launch, and now it plays great! And of course, they're patching & updating it. So for now - go to bed. I'll come back again, I'm sure.

Played the double-JP hack w/ the WOTL script, on my Anbernic RG353P. And mostly on fast-forward. So I just blew through this! And it was nice to reexperience the last two thirds of this game, as this is one I frequently restart, but rarely get deep into.

This time, I dug deep. I did it all - but once I hit that wide open final chapter, where I could've done the deep dungeon or this, or that, I decided to just blast through the ending. Done. Over.

And again - it was better than I remembered, but not as good as I hoped it would be? Does that make sense?