The translated rom for this is the sole reason I love searching for games that are hidden gems.

This review was written before the game released

"This new game's gonna be the Smash killer" mfers when I tear open their ribcage and pull out their organs

It's the Overwatch of gacha games; the game is ass but it goes hard as a rule34 tag

Now this is a deal right here, they released the Cheetamen theme along with 52 free games.


Fun fact: Every fan of this game has Stockholm Syndrome

This game feels like when your father comes back home after being away for more than a decade, but he only arrives to get one of the suitcases he left behind before immediately walking out the door.

Digimon: "Hey, can I copy your project homework real quick? I need a good grade for this JRPG assignment."
Megami Tensei: "Yeah, sure. Just make sure to change it just enough so that it doesn't look like you copied me."

The next day...

Digimon: presents this game, gets an A
Megami Tensei: "Oh shit, he actually understood my advice and cooked something special. I'm proud."

It is utterly batshit insane that people will shit on Thousand Year Door for having backtracking when the 3rd chapter of this game gives you 12 levels and requires you to revisit some of them multiple times just to collect some goofy ahh wiggler body parts. And this chapter drags on for so long that it's almost half the entire game.

Combat's fun and it's got some good character interactions, but it doesn't do a good job of representing Etrian Odyssey's great level design. Whoever designed the Evil Spirit Club and Inaba Pride Exhibit needs to be sent to a mental asylum and locked there for about a year at least.

Music goes hard though, shoutouts to the final dungeon OST.

Vanilla is a necessary flavor for ice cream, for it is a simple flavor that reminds people of simpler times. In the case of RPGs, FF1 is not much different. It's a straightforward relic made back in an era where sound level design was the main focus and the narrative was simple yet unobtrusive. Given how the past couple of years have seen a rise in RPGs with a heavy emphasis on narrative and putting multiple ice cream flavors, FF1's relevance as a game with remains just as important as it did for Square back when it seemed like this was their final product. Sometimes, to appreciate complex RPGs and avant-garde ice cream, you have to take a step back to the era where things began.

This game truly reaches its peak as Minecraft fanfiction at the chapter where you play Danganronpa with several Minecraft youtubers.

Thank fuck this didn't come out a few years later, because Telltale would have put Dream into this game and it would have created some of the worst discourse ever conceived on the internet. Thousands of stans would make edits where they salivate over every frame of Dream's avatar moving. Or they'd probably just make thousands of death threats at Telltale for not making Dream the MC of this abyss fiction visual novel.

Also, remember that one scene where the MC's pig died and turned into a floating pork chop? I cried.

cried out of laughter, that is

Two questions:
1. How the fuck did Tekken even make it over to the GBA
2. How the fuck did they make it an actually fun game

So there's a couple of things I have to say about this one:
1. The opening to the game is pretty cool.
2. I mentally checked out of the game's story and writing right when that one guy with the afro (I don't care enough to look up his name) went on his radio station and said: "here's the newest fidget spinners that just dropped!" Shame it had to flashbang me with that too because the story before then was kinda neat.
3. There's this cool little feature where people can give their reviews on a demon in a comment section. Shoutouts to all those people I saw in the demon reviews, I hope you all get mental help, effective immediately.
4. This game's roster is like one of those fake Smash bros character selects you'd see years ago, only its real. Can you believe the game has crossovers with Berserk, Devil May Cry, Ghost in the Shell, and 7 Deadly Sins? I still can't.
5. I don't have the link to it, but I remember seeing a Twitter clip from a JP account showcasing an update to the pvp meta for this game with some new demons/abilities, I think? I dunno, I had no idea what the fuck was going on. There were so many auto buffs and boosts happening at once that I barely saw the attack menu. The insane powercreep I saw from that one match made it all feel like a fever dream.
6. It's a mobile gacha game. I was never going to like this shit anyways, even if it's an entry to my favorite franchise.

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The Chad reading Infinite Jest in an game commenting on the state of Pokemon nowadays