1 review liked by OldBoy

Decent RPG with a story that kept me engaged for most of my playthrough. At times I found myself enjoying this game but then other times it felt like a chore. I didn't expect myself to get so locked onto the story, wanting to know the outcome of many of the quests.

However many quests can feel draining and boring and you find yourself running from person to person just acting as everyone's messenger. It's not a great formula, but I feel like it wouldn't be as bad if your character didn't run as slow as they do. There is a run option however it feels just ever so slightly slower than it should be, and your character will suddenly lose momentum if you move the analogue stick in a way the game does not like.

At least by the time I was really getting bored, I was overpowered so could breeze through the last part of the game before I became too burnt out.

Still, I recommend this game as it feels unique to many of the other RPGs from around this time.