105 Reviews liked by OldDasein

Was this game worth the wait? Absolutely.
Is this game the masterpiece many will claim it is? No.

Rebirth is much improved on Remake in so many areas, the combat is quite a bit better, the music is great as usual, visually even in the “performance” mode this game looks amazing besides some textures along the lines of “the door” from Remake.

And a HUGE but:
The story outside of what was in the original fucking STINKS. None of it makes sense in the slightest and I’m not sure even Max Dood is going to be able to make sense of this one. The only positive to this is that we got a Yakuza 5-tier final boss sequence at the end (in both gameplay and story).

I’m probably also just mad that Vincent is here for a decent chunk and is not even used how Red XIII was in Remake. For what it’s worth I did like what they did with Cid to make up for him not being playable.

Still, a great game that was fun and extremely good for the majority besides certain story sections, and I hope now we get a Vincent game in the vein of Intermission to tide us over til the next game.

There’s no way they don’t call that one Final Fantasy VII Reunion, right?

Disappointing installment in the Trails franchise. Doesn’t have progress the story in any meaningful way and doesn’t Rean or the cool motorcyclist guy, what the fuck

don't even need to say much, it's still one of the best games ever made

One star for each gon gon plushie that was in my inventory

Was playing a fun game of "Where's Daigo?" in the finale, sadly I didn't win that round. Which is ironic, because that's exactly what Daigo would do.

Never played but obligated to give it a 10/10 because of how much enjoyment I get from joining a new MegaTen server, making a joke about how Persona 3 was the first Persona game, turning notifications on my phone, and then shoving it up my ass

diplomatic immunity be damned my boy can object

Yeah the ending was very emotional, but I cried harder watching the scene where our beloved Joryu told famous Kamurocho Detective Masaharu Kaito "nice tits", then proceeded to slap them with the full power of the Yakuza fighting style.

Haven’t played yet but he erased his deadname? I’m so happy for his transition

This could be a 4/5 realistically, but even at its worst with the awful boss fights and constant running around, I wanted to keep playing anyway which is rare when there's so much else to play instead.

Also someone needs to check the florist's hard drive he's definitely hiding some weird shit

One of the most influential RPG's ever made. You can see how unique and charming the enemy designs are here even in an NES game. Enjoyable but you probably will need a guide, and the grind can get tedious. Back in the day this would've been mindblowing to play but with speedup and guides, the game is honestly not that long and only serves as a piece of history to experience.

Absolute peak. My GOAT. I have been Shu Takumipilled and I need more. A brilliant conclusion that was so much fun and satisfying. Everything you love about the first 2 games they just made more of it and made it better.

I got kinda turned off of this game after playing the beta, but then I saw you could make Gojo, Kiryu, and Optimus Prime so I had to buy it immediately.

Randomly decided to get the rest of the achievements

Please play this game

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