It's a lot of fun to play and I'm glad someone did what Sega refuses to do... but the story is just kinda meh. Nothing terrible, but nothing great either, I found it just kinda messy. Also, the final boss is kind of ridiculous in how lackluster and easy it was (seriously, I found some of the crew battles harder than it). Various other minor things felt like it could do with more polish, such as the combat. But the flaws are outweighed in how fun the gameplay is and the music is damn awesome, so I guess I can give it the same score I gave the two JSR's.

This is the first Pikmin game I have beaten and it's suprisingly relaxing and stressful at the same time.

pretty good game but what the fuck was that ending?

The final boss is near perfection, the last moments of the game in general was an exhilirating thrill ride through and through. Banger game. Plus the sidequests are really funny.

Why is the game so cool and creative but then the bosses are just... ehhh.

This game being easy won't change the fact that it's one of the most solid RPGs out there.

Played it on the PS4. There were definitely a few hiccups in the frame rate and such, but nothing to make it unplayable or even any less fun.

Overall I very much enjoyed this game. While it doesn't really have the best combat in the series, nor does it really have the best story in the series, I still very much enjoyed it, including the story.

Excellent! A remake that I never thought would happen, ever.