Truly cemented the downfall of the MoH series. The fact that this unpolished turd came out the same year as Modern Warfare is crazy to me.

The only glowing thing I can say about this game is that the visuals are stunning even a decade later and the damage model is great. In every other way this sequel departs from the original and not in a positive way. It feels difficult even calling it GRID tbh but if you can look past that there is a mediocre racer to be had here.


The driving is actually fun but every single other mechanic just feels mediocre making for a frustrating overall experience.


Starts out really fun and atmospheric although does get tedious after a while due to the checkpoint system and some level design choices.

Gameplay is getting quite similar to the Call of Duty we know now and I really appreciate the change although I feel like the overall mission structure took a big hit coming from United Offensive. "Take a town, defend a town" loop got tiresome after a while even though there were some nice setpieces.

Scored only based on Single-Player

Great start but really overstays it's welcome in my opinion. The combat being the way it is REALLY doesn't do it any favors as well.

Quite entertaining to play with someone else, but doesn't really live up to Until Dawn or even House of Ashes in my opinion.

Looks good but holy shit the handling is bad.

Decent improvement on the first game. Bit of a janky combat and I felt it lose steam in the third act, but otherwise a good time.

Surprisingly fun distraction for a few hours

Suprisingly better produced than I was expecting from this for some reason. Fun time.

Fun driving for a bit, but the GRID series really lacks a fun single player mode to do that in.

Campaign looks gorgeous environmentally, but something is just missing. This era of cod is very average.

Finishing this on realistic hurts, but it was a decent enough time I guess.

A culmination of everything Remedy has done so far and very rewarding for someone who has been there from the start. Truly unique in the landscape in the way it ties together mediums, and does enough cool things that me not being a huge fan of horror didn't end up being a massive knock against it (survival horror is not my favorite genre, but it does fit this game, and the narrative Remedy is crafting)