28 reviews liked by OneCrackImpact

Half-Life 1 Story: Dude, aliens! Stay alive and like, kill this freakin' giant baby alien or something lol

Half-Life 2 Story: Comrade Freeman, you've been missing for 20 years but we need you to lead the resistance's efforts to overthrow the interdimensional space cops' fascist hold over Earth by going to their one stronghold in what is I guess the capital of the world now and just like, killing a bunch of dudes and blowing stuff up

also the aliens you murdered a whole bunch of 20 years ago are your friends now and they're kind of just chill now

And some say
That it loops forever
This road that I
Find you on

Half-Life 2 is what people THINK Tears of the Kingdom is. An innovative physics based action/puzzle game set in a post apocalyptic world that changed the gaming industry - done near 20 years earlier and executed in a much more fun way. The amazing sound design and world building make it stand out from the rest. I do wish they had leaned into the horror more as that one level in Ravenholm was fantastic, and I was honestly expecting something a bit more plot heavy, but I loved every moment of this campaign and felt embarassed that it's been sitting on my computer for so long unplayed.

This happened to my buddy Eric

Far, FAR better than the original. The beefed up the graphics, and yet my laptop could still play it very well. New aliens appear and old ones get a nice new polish added to them. Having breakable environments and the new grav gun and ability to pick up items makes the world far more interactive and easy to immerse yourself in this game.

If you have played the first one and not this one then what the hell are you doing?

Few hours into the game and no 19 inches of venom to be seen... Not a good look...

Just finished it and Venom appeared with more than 19 inches 🥺❤️ the game is also more than great, play it 🙏

This game is a frustrating piece of shit but man is it cool. It's impossible to deny how legendary and innovative this game is.

Maybe I'll continue it when the glitches (headless and armless zombies, zombies turning into humans, saving causes the game to freeze) aren't so fucking bad.

Otherwise, pretty fun. The Euphoria engine was pretty much made for shambling zombie combat.

i want to give it a higher score but with the amount of bugs this game has with the zombies not having heads and randomly turning zombies into normal npcs without heads it made the game tedious to play.

i don't want to fix higgs i want to get him pregnant