Unique experience on a game and its impactful decisions of survivability during war and the harsh background of it as well as how real war can be.

I love this to bits but...

Something about swinging your weapon fighting a goblin and it feeling like a balloon sword as well as making the damaging impact of one makes it harder for me to enjoy the game as much.

If it's a goblin it shouldn't take you 20 thousand hits to kill one.

I have no idea what these series have become.

While superpowers are the best feature of this game the boring level designs, map, and missions in general made it difficult for me to beat it.


League of Legends but in a 3rd person style and filled with Gods.

At first sight, it has an immersive world as well as a compelling concept.

But however, is backed up with mid-combat and too much work of knowing a character throughout, even maybe doing a quest before killing him/her just to get extra xp.

Basically a walking simulator but one of the good ones.

Wide exploration while putting in the details of what happened? How? And why?

Has a great emotional little story too.

Beatable in 5 minutes if you know, you know.

You vs the world... eventually.

Not gonna lie, something satisfactory and amazing about commanding your own army and being in a battle with it.

Your greatest war fantasies unleashed in a game.

Although, too long for me to reach the end game as I often get too bored to grind.

I sometimes can't believe how I spend time playing these games and completing them.

Had Pewdiepie references, but also Hitler.

Easier than Fall Guys.

Finally, allows me to get a crown.

Gets too simple and therefore can lead to boredom.

While I have invested time into this. I cannot ignore the buggy mess this game is and how even simple stealth can be a nightmare on some levels.

Although, with friends, it can be a blast robbing stores and places.

Tap, fuck tap fuck tap tap tap FUCK.

That's all the gameplay you're getting.

Minecraft meets DayZ.

While mediocre in gameplay this game is kind of a special case personally due to nostalgia. Would I recommend it? Not really. Is it somewhat enjoyable? Yes.

Honestly, if I had to describe it to you besides the first sentence then I'd say it plays and feels like a Roblox gamemode.

I remember spending around 24 hours in a map creation building a military and a naval base, shame it never got to be finished and uploaded.

I'd be a massive hypocrite to say I haven't enjoyed this and all the RUSH B comments with my fellow Eastern Europeans with the amount of hours I've spent on the game.

Bland. And I don't mean the missing colors of the game aspect.

A shooter backed up with psychic powers and having co-op.

Played it with my nephew and this was my first introduction to the FEAR series.

Hearing others mention this not being a good game, I agree.

It was a meh experience with not that good of a story as well as having alright shooting and just nothing memorable in general.

So, I won't let this one judge my opinion on the 1st and 2nd entry before playing it even though my start for the series was weak.