The first game me and one of my friends played together.

Playing this 6 years ago, not gonna lie, I don't remember much.

Although, I do remember this being one of those build-your-own-vehicle-and-destroy type games.

While the premise is great, I'm just not a fan of such games usually.

2D Minecraft with a lot of extra extra stuff.

That's as simple as I can explain the game to you.

When I said it's 2D Minecraft I wasn't implying the blocky nature of the game, but the quality as well.

Minecraft is amazing. Terraria is amazing.

I'm jealous if you haven't experienced the game just so I could relive it again.

Somehow in the 384 hours I have on Terraria, I wasn't able to reach the end of the game and fight Moon Lord as I've played in 4 different worlds with 5 different people and the worlds were theirs. So, only recently managed to fill this task and proudly say that I beat the game.

Shame they didn't keep that pleased with himself 24/7 smug face of his from the first game.

Better put out with ragdoll physics, funny comedic moments and missions as well as better gameplay feeling overall, but a much shorter game.

Practically John Wick but as a game version.

Starting the game I got informed that the protagonist is in fact a cat.

Reminds me of Hotline Miami.

Action full and enjoyable for a free-to-play game.

I like the premise and the combat but this game is very lacking in what it could've been... sad to see it being a wasted potential.

A game within like 100 other games by the number of references it has.

Funny, random, and interesting.

I dare you to take a 1/4 of a shot whenever you see a reference you understood.

If you're cultured you'll be wasted quickly.

Doesn't offer much for the main game but adds a nice little plot twist to it that doesn't impact the story at all.

I can in fact reassure you that I was here...

Honestly, a hidden gem and a great pick for a co-op experience if you're looking for something new to try out.

Metal Gear Rising but for kids.

Enjoyable puzzle-ish adventure.

Used to play this with a friend back in 5th grade.

I was a pretty shit shaman.

Great times.


Steampunky post-apocalyptic first-person shooter capturing the atmosphere similar to Mad Max.

The game very well expresses the feeling of being a mercenary-like gun for hire.

I consider this to be a hidden gem and a great standalone title as a good portion of people are not familiar with it.

By the way: my guy Jessie from Breaking Bad has phenomenal taste in games.


The plot twist alone is worth getting the game.

Beautiful and one of the most memorable soundtracks out there.

If you want a good laugh, during the chasing sequence put your controller down failing every quick time event, and enjoy the experience.

A game that as a horror fanatic made me love each minute of it.

One of the best horror games out there, making you feel hopeless and weak in the situation with your only choices to either to run, hide or die.

The atmosphere of you being the only sane person surrounded by the insane is amusing and frightening.

Horror world in the eyes and imagination of a toddler.

Compelling yet wish there was more to it.