The atmosphere alone speaks for this simplistic yet intriguing indie title. It is compellingly mysterious and the worldbuilding, although not easy to understand is magnificent.

A modern GTA 2 type spinoff that got boring quickly.

Made me highly hate the ingame country and non-copyrighted tunes it used to play.

Just like NESCAFE 2 In 1. This is a 2 In 1 game: coffee coffee-making simulator and a horror game.

While the coffee-making bit gets somewhat irritating at times, the horror aspect of the game is great. It gives off a really well-done uneasy feeling to its atmosphere.

I played this out of love for Postal 2. It's not good.

This is probably one of the weirdest things I've done. For the achievement: Ballmer Baller, which requires to Play the Mac or Linux version of the game, I had to install Linux on my PC just so I could turn the game on to get one lousy achievement.

Who knew that chaos, fire, and destroying stuff mixed with adorableness would go so well together?

A game that's not all about burning things here and there but having some little hidden surprises.

I write this review to you FROM, Sugar PluMPS!

Nostalgic trip and just the best one out of the series and one that made me get the whole classic collection for.

I'd review each game in the collection separately if I could, but Backloggd seems to be missing the first one. So, in short:

Sword and Sandals 1 - Is pretty good but very short in content compared to the 2nd entry.

Sword and Sandals 2 - Great and definitely the best game out of the collection. Much like the 1st one except there's more content and much more progression.

Sword and Sandals 3 - A truckfest. We got lasers, guns, and all the random shenanigans... not good.

Sword and Sandals 4 - Somewhat interesting for a table game. Good enjoyable addition.

Sword and Sandals Crusader - A strategy turn-based game this time commanding an army instead of a singular unit. Fairly enjoyable.

Sword and Sandals Mini Fighters - Sword and Sandals 2 but with miniature fighters. Haven't beaten this one but all that's changed it seems is the visual design of the game, which is made to look as if the developers made a SS game that has crossed paths with My Little Pony. It is not good or at least doesn't look pleasing to the eye.

Gross out - Some spinoff that wasn't really all that great.

All in all, I bought the collection solely for the 2nd game of the series. Somewhat enjoyed 4 and Crusader but if I had to rate the whole collection it'd be a 4/10.

You click and click but you don't feel like a hero...

Seriously though, it's one of those games you play for like 30 years opening it here and then.

A beautifully done platformer that already brings out great gameplay and then backs it up with an interesting and indulging story as well as an excellently gorgeous environment.

The best thing about it is that it's free, so anyone could try it.

A serious shooter Sam in a not-so-serious game.

A nostalgic entry I've played as a kiddo and got to replay recently and enjoy it.

My brother loved this game, maybe he still does.

They should have this game as an exam for marriage counseling students.

The game that makes me want to get a Steam Deck.

I'd pick this over any farming simulator out there.

It is simply too addicting and great looking.

Hey Niko! It's Roman, let's go bowlin.

The most realistic and darkly monotone GTA game there is. Much more serious on the quality of storytelling and the details rather than the sandboxy nature of GTA.

Niko is a tragic character who comes to America in order to escape his past but little does he know that the past chases him down.

I consider this to be an ugly game solely for the topics it reaches to explore and how empty it makes you feel at the very end of the game.

Nostalgia wise I remember back in 2008 or 2009 spending my time on YouTube watching GTA 4 funny moments and wishing to be able to play the game myself.

Back then I was just interested in the physics and the beautiful Liberty City environment as well as the graphics.

Now as a grown-up, while the game hasn't aged poorly, it is seen in much more different and in-depth even somewhat relatable colors.

Does the job of pouring out your hatred towards Putin.

But as a game, it's not something good.

One of the most recognizable and better games to drain your sanity out there.

Not a fan of rinse-and-fail-and-repeat type of games but it's more like a taste issue rather than the game's fault, so try it.

Might be for you.