Incredibly Interesting charachter development towards the end

one of the best games i have ever played. a incredible improvement from the original, where miles, a more relatable character navigates teenage life, with a slight side effect. with entertain.

One of the Best Games I have ever played, From start to finish a incredibly fun and interactive gameplay experience. putting you in the shoes of a supervillain of your choice.

I got this game 3 years ago, I must say, Bald Men Shooting Guns is more entertaining then i thought

Why does everyone hate this game, I play it with my friends all the time, and let me tell you, it is very, very fun!

So Fun, I wish it wasnt taken off of ps-plus

I heard someone say CS:GO is a rip off of this, now i want to drop kick something, Plus i don't want to spent £50 on a knife that dosen't give me any competitive advantage

First Play: Ahh, WHOS THIS GUY? i want to play as john marston?

Last Play: NOOOO ARTHUR :(