I don't know what to even say with Funny Park. Is this game a satire on Mascot Horror culture? The game opens with a direct ripoff of the Poppy Playtime Chapter 1 opening, and probably will proceed to go on as one of the worst games I have ever played.

The villain's name is literally HugoBoB, like come on, the ''Hugo'' part is obviously a riff on ''Huggy'' for ''Huggy Wuggy'', all this game is, is a ripoff. It's not enjoyable at all.

Your gimmick here is a Ray Gun, now I don't know how that is supposed to fit into a children's park, but hey, it's Mascot Horror, nothing ever makes any sense in any of these shits.

And, lastly, as one final punch to your gut, it ends with a ''Play the sequel when it releases!"' and it shows some random Unity asset character that they got for free as the ''villain'' for Part 2.

Now, if this is a satire, then I give it more leigh way, because it wasn't made to be good, but I think this genuinely is a game trying to be serious, trying to be the next big thing. It's probably made by a kid, making their first ever game, and I hope that kid can go on to make really good games in the future, but this is terrible, and I hope they learn from their mistake.

Overall: 1/10

The DLC for Marvel's Spider-Man is quite lackluster to what you get in the base game. The story and characters aren't as good as the base game, and the activities to do can get quite tedious.

Especially, Screwball. Who has a ton of side quests to do, and her side quests are utterly awful. And honestly probably should be avoided. Your time with the game is better well spent just playing around ignoring Screwball.

Besides all that, The City That Never Sleeps is good. A nice add-on to the base game, but it doesn't do too much to really stand on it's own, and actually compare to the base game.

Overall: 7/10

I remember hearing about this Open World Spider-Man game that would not be a movie tie-in game, and it would be its own universe. I was so excited, and the trailers they were releasing were just pushing up my excitement so much. I needed this game, and I needed it soon.

So when Pre-Orders went out, with a set in stone release day, I bought it the second I could. And the wait began to play it. And when it arrived, and I could finally play Marvel's Spider-Man, or what most people called it, Spider-Man PS4. I was floored by this game.

It was amazing, I probably would sit down on my couch for like 10 hours, every day, for a week straight, just playing the game, and also around that time I got a very terrible skin rash. That couldn't even bring down my enjoyment for this game.

The web swinging felt so good, especially the first time you ever swing in this game, it feels amazing. They did it perfectly.

Now, why this isn't a 4.5/5 like my review for Marvel's Spider-Man Remastered, is because simply the Remastered version is the ''better'' version of this game. So, better to play that one, but this game is still great, and if you just want to buy the original version, with the original Peter Parker face, than go right ahead.

Overall: 8/10

Red Dead Redemption 2 is phenomenal. I won't be the first, nor last person to say that. It's a universally loved game, and it deserves all the praise, compliments and accolades it gets. Because it truly is amazing.

The story in this game, is probably in the top 5 best stories ever told within a game. It really feels like you are watching a 1950's cowboy movie, that just so happens to have a couple of hundreds of millions of dollars to pull off some nice epic scenes, and interesting set pieces. This, at least for me, might be the best story about the Wild West, or Cowboys ever told.

The characters in this game is probably the best part of it, every character actually feels like a real person that you are interacting to. Each character, even extremely minor ones, are very fleshed out, and very well written. You will most likely root for this gang of terrible people, because they wrote them so complex and so well.

The world that this game inhabits is also probably one of the best Open Worlds in a game. It's extremely detailed, realistic, and immersive. With so many interesting side quests that you can do, and just interesting characters that have no quest to them, that you can just find, and they also are really interesting. And the beautiful graphics adds to this world.

And lastly, the gameplay is great. It can get repetitive at times, but it is very smooth, very well made, and especially the hand to hand combat is great. At least I think so.

All this together puts together a great game, while it may not be in my top 5 like so many other people that play this game, I can certainly say that this is still an amazing game, that should be remembered for years to come.

A real rough game that could have been much better, and could have told it's message and story much, much better. This game almost feels like a weird A24 movie, or a Harmony Korine film. It's weird, it makes no sense, and almost things just happen, to just happen, with no real impact on the game or story.

And while that would have been fine, an odd take on a very real thing, I like A24, I love Harmony Korine, and despite it feeling like those things, it didn't work for me. Maybe give it a shot, seems to just not be for me, and might work much better for others.

Overall: 4/10

Really good short form Prophunt/Speedrun styled horror game, that has great PSX styled graphics, and is a nice, breezy 15 or so minutes in length. Made even better that it is free. 100% worth a shot.

Overall: 7/10

It's alright. Nothing too special. Around 15 minutes going for everything. Nice world. Cute charm. Interesting ending that will shock you. It's decent.

Overall: 6/10

It's obviously inspired by Hotline Miami, and while it doesn't reach to be better than it, for a free riff on that style, it's not that bad. The story is quite meh, just there for point A to B, but the gunplay and gameplay is decent. Give it a shot. It is free. Hotline Miami is better, if you like this game, play Hotline. Or vice versa.

Overall: 7/10

Outlast II is absolutely too hated on, this game is great. The graphics in this game is amazing, the characters are certainly far weaker, but I think this game makes up with that in story. The story in this game is great, the school sections are great, same with the cult sections. This game really deserves more love. It's the weakest Outlast game, but come on, it's not deserving of a 2.9/5.

Overall: 8/10

Outlast: Whistleblower is a great follow-up to Outlast, though, I do feel as if it is a bit overrated. The characters are great in this, the designs, everything is still great, but I feel as if the main game still did everything better than this one. Doesn't make it a bad game, just a bit inferior. Play this and the base game together late at night, go on a bender while playing it, only take you about 5 hours probably.

Overall: 8/10

Outlast is a truly great horror game, and a nice and sweet experience. The character designs in this game are actually amazing, and the graphics, for being nearly 10 years old still hold up very well. The chases are great. The chase music is also great. This is one of the more ''beginner friendly'' and ''digestible'' horror games in recent years, but it's still great despite being pretty basic and bare bones.

Overall: 9/10

Murder House was my first Puppet Combo game, and from what I can see, it's the best game of his to play first, and a great beginner game. And I can see why. It's very well made, very well polished, and, it may be the first ever game that truly shook me to my core. The Easter Ripper is terrifying when you see him. The music that plays is ear shattering as he slowly stalks you. The old PSX/PS1 styled graphics enhance the horror, and the implications of the rape, murders, and necrophiliac activities of the Easter Ripper is terrifying. A must play for horror fans.

Overall: 9/10

Hotline Miami is a fucking amazing drugged up power trip fantasy, as you tear through hordes of the Russian Mafia, and destroy everything in your path bloody and brutally. The gameplay is great, the story you get is engaging and well done, and this game NEEDS a form of movie or show adaptation. This game rocks. You need to play it.

Overall: 9/10

It's been a while since I've played this, but I think I remember enough to review it. It's a very heartfelt, well made, love story, that is told through a chat log in the early 2000's. It's a free game, and is quite good. I remember really liking it when it came out, that kind of faded over time.

As a game, it's okay, but it is different, and it tells its love story well.

Overall: 6/10

Simulacra is decent. It's a game where it's completely set within a phone (many games would go on to copy this formula), and it's well done. The voice acting and writing is a bit cheesy at times, real 80's B-Movie type of stuff, but it's very interesting. Multiple different endings, and a decent story. They made Sara is Missing which I have played a bit ago, but I don't really remember it, will probably replay and review that and see if it's better.

This is a decent game. Give it a shot.

Overall: 7/10